Part-9 🖤

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"Where is he" Sumedh's dad almost roared when he found that sumedh is not in the hotel,he contacted sumedh but his phone was on the hotel so he couldn't find him neither by tracing his phone nor contacting."I need to find him as soon as possible,or else the meeting and the deal will can't let it happen,never..." his dad said while panicking and took his phone and dialed someone and told them that 'sumedh should be infront of my eyes within one hour'


"Sumedh you need to go,your dad must be waiting for you"Mallika said and sumedh hummed in response snuggling on her chest.

He caught her waist and kissed her lips before going "I love you " sumedh whispered inside her mouth exploring her with his tongue and they broke the kiss and joined their foreheads locking their eyes on each other"Will wait for you" mallika said and pecked sumedh's lips,sumedh kissed her forehead and he waved her Bye and went back to his hotel.


"Where were you" sumedh's dad roared as he found sumedh stepping inside the hotel "Hmm,dad I just did a morning walk and I liked this place so much that I hmm, just spent some time on the lake nearby " sumedh said to his dad,ofcourse he lied because he doesn't have any other options....
"But these were not the clothes you weared when you went to sleep " his dad said staring him "Oh!I just changed it before going out because I just wanted to change " sumedh said being a lil bit nervous "Ahh!Anyway  I don't have time to talk with you just go and change yourself and come to the meeting" his dad said in an angry way
"Oh,okay " sumedh said and went to his room to change.


Their meeting was going on, sumedh was hell nervous because his dad's gaze was constantly on him. The Other company agreed the deal that the two companies would work together from now on,
"Okay,so thanks for this wonderful meeting we both companies will work together from now on  and we'll  vast our business on Germany,see you all  there and we would discuss rest of the matters there" The company's  manager said and locked the deal.


"Germany " sumedh whispered as a sudden rock fell inside him,he really had no idea that they would move to another country,his eyes suddenly pooled up.....

"Dad,is it necessary to go to Germany for me too"? Sumedh asked his dad "Ya,ofcourse everyone needs to go except some people,they will manage our company here" his dad said, not mainting an eye contact "Dad,then I will manage here" sumedh said and was cut off by his dad "Never,If I said you will come with me then you will" his dad almost roared and went from there.......

Sumedh sighed with sadness forming his face "Now,what will I say to her" he whispered as a sudden tear escaped from his eye...


",you are not going anywhere " Mallika said while crying and sumedh cupped her cheeks "Mallika please understand " sumedh pleaded because Mallika wasn't letting him go anywhere,

As he was not able to see her cry anymore,sumedh pressed his lips to mallika's,both eyes watery,she pulled him more closer by her neck,they both sucking each other's lips with full craze,after 5½ mins they broke it  and joined their foreheads locking their eyes to each other "I'm sorry" sumedh whispered as a tear drop fell from his right eye, mallika came closer to him and kissed that tear and sucked it,sumedh snuggled into her chest and kissed her collarbone,mallika gave  sumedh more access on her chest,he kissed her boob,Mallika caressing inside his hairs ,sumedh closed his  eyes feeling that comfortable and pleasurable touch of hers..

After off about ½ hour,sumedh took mallika on his arms and throwed both of them on the bed and removed each other's clothes and peacefully cuddled naked....

  Next day🍃

"Come back soon,okay"Mallika told him
while buttoning sumedh's shirt while sitting on his lap to which sumedh hummed in response.

"Okey,It's done" Mallika said sadly as she finished everything and now he can go...

"Will miss you " he whispered and bite her lips licking it smoothly "Hey!Now don't cry" sumedh said as he noticed her crying and he sucked her tears "Promise me that you won't cry after I go" sumedh said as mallika hugged him tightly and snuggled herself herself inside his chest and started crying "Mallika now don't cry,do you want me too go with a sad face " sumedh said while caressing her hairs and kissing her nape "There you are" sumedh said as he found mallika giving wet kisses on his neck and stopped crying..

"Will miss you " he whispered and bite her lips licking it smoothly "Hey!Now don't cry" sumedh said as he noticed her crying and he sucked her tears "Promise me that you won't cry after I go" sumedh said as mallika hugged him tightly and snuggled ...

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And they kissed passionately one last time before he was going,promising that they will never leave each other's side no matter what happens.

With that sumedh went..............

Hey!You all

I want you to guess what will happen on the next chapter

Hint: Something will happen to Mallika and the cause of it is Sumedh....

     <some people will understand it quite early > *hehe*

Guess it😉
And right it down 👇

Do vote and comment plz.....

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