Chapter 17- The Reign Is Over

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Stay alive for the good times
Stay alive through the bad
Stay alive for the hopes and the fears and the dreams
The best that we ever had
I keep telling myself
I can take you from this god forsaken place
- Stay Alive • Andy Black

𝙳𝙰𝚈 𝟷𝟶
𝚃𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚍𝚊𝚢 𝟹𝟶𝚝𝚑 𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛

When Henry was called up for the Castle Coin Challenge, she realised for the first time in quite a while how content she was. There was something about being surrounded by those sorts of people that don't judge which made her happy.

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"Today is a good day." She grinned. "It mighty already be half way through, but you know what, it's still good."

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Beside Danny, they trekked to where the challenge would be, laughing and smiling as they went. Though there was a pressure which came with the task, doing it with a friend was never a bad thing.

In the recent days, she and Danny had bonded. Though it wasn't over much, and spending time together was inevitable, she enjoys herself. It seemed that they had similar things in common.

After stepping into the trial area, Henry groaned. It looked horrific before they'd even begun, however, Danny took charge quickly. He stepped to the note, and read.

"The castle flowers are completely bone dry. To get them to come to life, transfer the water over the garden sheds and then it's off to see your best friend Cled."

"Ya know what, I've never met Cledwyn before." Henry stated in disbelief. She must've been the only one to not have met the iconic man.

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"I'm excited." Henry said, looking to Danny who nodded.

"I'm really confident."

"I'm glad you are." She laughed childishly. "I'm here to have fun."

The actor rolled his eyes. "Course you are."

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It turned out that the challenge was harder than expected. However, it always was. Transferring water from one container to another without spilling was difficult enough without having objects filled with holes added into the mix. Not only that, but the added pressure from camp to do well made it seemed impossible at the beginning.

It took an age to even half fill the watering can, but after that, they seemed to speed up. They only finished once both were drenched with water in the cold Welsh air.

All in all, a successful, but cold, trip out.

——— ——— ———

"We did well." Henry grinned to Danny as they stood with the Castle Coins.

"We did!"

With a bright grin, and pearly whites on show, the actress then beamed. "And I get to meet Cledwyn as well! I haven't met him yet! New friend time!"

Danny chuckled. "I'm not sure you two are on the same level."

"What?" If someone was watching the tv, and paused it then, they would be able to see the exact moment Henry's heart had broken.

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