Sick Days (Ciao Alberto Edition)

Start from the beginning

Once she came back, she poured that weird leaking thing in a spoon, coming forward to me.

"Sit up love." She said and I do so, looking up at her.

"Say ahh.."

I slowly opened my mouth and fed me the medicine...

Ooh! Taste like cherry.

"Good boy."

"Am I better now?" I asked her and she starts to laugh.

"Sweetie it takes a few days to get better, but it's cute how you say that."

She walked back to put away the medicine and comes back.

"You know, there it more room in the bed for some cuddling." I raised an eyebrow and bite my lips.

"Aww, I wish but I don't wanna get sick."

What...? O.O

"I'm sorry Alberto...maybe when your better, you'll get all the cuddles and kisses from me."

She pats my hair and looked around the room, I guess she's looking something to do.

"Y/n...I know it seems a little unexpected, but this week...I was gonna ask you out for dinner." I explained and her face turned red when I said that.

"Just thought it'd be fun for us." I smirked and she giggled picking up a book which looked like she's fully interested in.

"No wonder you bought me a dress, that sounds very romantic." She sat besides me and booped my nose.

"A-Achoo!" I covered my mouth and my stomach is grumbling...

"Hungry big guy?" She asked and I nodded, I am hungry for some trenette el pesto.

"Let me make you some soup, that's always good to warm your tummy."

I nodded and she got up from the chair. "Come on handsome."

So she heads down while I grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around my body, followed her down to the kitchen, I sat on the table and I watched her make the soup.

Hearing her hum is very relaxing to listen to.

A moment later, she comes back with a bowl of hot steamy soup in front of me.

"Here you go, be careful though." She sat across from me giving me the heads up.

I grabbed a spoon from my left side and lightly blow on the spoon, taking a little sip.

Mmm, not bad!

"This is good." I said and she smiled brightly.

"Back at work, I do help with the soups, and some lattes, a few cookies and sometimes sandwiches." She shrugs and I continue to enjoy the soup. Im feeling better already.

"Hey! I feel good now, can we cuddle?"

She sighs and looked up at the clock and back to me.

"Hmm...alright then, but you need to be away from my face, its where I'll get sick." She explained and I nodded, I always wanted to cuddle on her lap.

So we both come back to the bedroom and she lays on the bed with me, while I placed my head on her lap.

She rubs my back softly while I purr from the touch.

"You really are too cute Alberto." She said and I start to feel sleepy...the soup made feel all cozy and the warmth of Y/n is...

I let out a big yawn and I shut my eyes, nuzzling her.

(3rd Person's POV)

Y/n looked down at her boyfriend all cuddled against her makes her fall in love with him even more, she went to grab the book and began reading, through out the day, she kept Alberto company for the next few days, excited about the date.

She closed the book and heard Alberto snore under her, feeling his hand clinging onto her leg, she chuckled under her breath and heard the door open and shut.

Massimo arrived and tried not to make any loud noises.

"How is he...?" He asked Y/n and she gave him a thumbs up.

"He's alright, just a cold, he'll feel better soon."

So Massimo thanked her and she stick around for a bit, gently pets his fluffy hair for more comfort.

"My sweet Alberto..." She whispered softly and noticed that smile of his.

She shuts her eyes and joined to nap with her boyfriend until getting a call from her mom.


I know this was a short one, but I thought it's short and simple yet cute!

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