-part Thirty one-

Start from the beginning

"Did you not get to have that kind of childhood?" I ask

There must be a reason she's taking this so much to heart, I mean I would only start with the Easy tools at first and only maybe two times a month...and teach her slow so Zara acting like this, there must be a reason for it

"No I didn't And she doesn't deserve to be treated like an adult as a child," she says voice getting shakier by the minute

I turn her around and I hug her tightly "I'm sorry sweetheart, I promise I won't buy her that or teach her for a very long time okay?" I whisper in her ear and kiss her forehead

"Okay" she whispers barely

"Forgive me?" I ask

"How do you say 'I forgive you in Italian," she asks

I can't help but smile when she asks me to say something to her in Italian for her to just say it back directed to me

It's so cute

"Ti perdono, " I say ( I forgive you)

She comes closer to my ear and whispers " ti perdono" and pecks me behind my ear

Shit that does send shivers all around your body, no wonder she reacted that way when u did it

I hug her tighter "good" while pecking her forehead

"Okay let's get her actual gifts Now" Zara laughs

"Okay, so what kind of shit does a 5-year-old like," I say

Usually, Maria gets all of mias presents and since I'm always at work I never had the time

But now that I'm am slowly stepping away from the mafia shit I am beginning to have more time off towards the end of the day

Zara laughs at my comment "this is the shit she likes" she points to the Barbie's and other shit on the shelves

She starts laughing even more

"Okay pick whatever and put it in the cart, there's no price limit," I say

"Alright, but don't spoil her too much...she's a sweet girl and I don't want her turning into a spoiled brat," Zara says with a sweet smile

"Then just get how much you would buy her if my credit card was yours," I say

"Alright" she hums

After going shopping we ended up going to my office at my business to wrap everything there so Mia wouldn't see what we got

Right now mias with Maria

"Okay, That's the last one wrapped" Zara smiles at the presents

We got her a total of 10 presents, I wanted to get more but Zara says 10 would be more than enough for a 5-year-old and now we're talking about that

'Don't forget your parents and then Maria, Ava, and Matteo are all getting her stuff too, Imagine how much stuff that is, ten from you is more than enough' and to which I said


"Huh?" She looks at my confused

"I said there from us not me," I tell her

"No they're from you" she laughs

I walk closer to her until she's caged against the wall

"Are you always this stubborn?" I ask raising a brow

I can tell her breathing is getting heavy, I like seeing the effect I can have on her

"I'm not stubborn" she rolls her eyes

" Tu e il tuo maledetto occhio rotolate" I mumble under my breath ( you and your damn eye rolls)

She lets out a shaky breath and I chuckle

"Do I make you nervous Zara?" I ask

She doesn't look me in the eye "no" she mumbles looking at the wall

I use my fingers to move her chin so she's looking at me "you sure?" I ask raising a brow

She clears her throat "positive"

"You don't seem positive...." I chuckle

Zara's pov

"You don't seem positive" he chuckles

Man this man is gonna give me a heart attack

How did us wrapping presents turn into so much sexual tension

Just kiss me already DAMN IT

"I'm positive," I say just a tad bit shaky

Well dang it now I definitely don't sound positive

He chuckles again "so who are those presents from again," he says getting closer

My breath starts getting heavy

Holt shit this man's hot

"You" I whisper

"Wrong answer Principessa" he whispers "try again" he chuckles

My breathing is getting more shakier by the minute

Geez the dude needs to kiss Me already or something
I'm dying over here

I take a deep breaths Then whisper "us"

To which he smiles "correct" and chuckles


Holy hot damn

He takes his phone and calls someone after backing away from me slowly while chuckling seeing how flustered I am

"Make sure you keep Mia in her room while we put the presents inside the garage, I don't want her walking in there while we're hiding," he says

I assume it's Maria he's talking to

"Okay thank you Maria, bye," he says and ends the call

He grabs a bag and puts all the presents in there, while I stand by the door like an idiot still flustered

He comes over to me chuckling "come on" he says grabbing my hand

I open the door and we head home

After we hide the presents in the garage I tell Enzo I'm gonna go get ready for bed since it's 10 and tell him a quick goodnight before going to my room

That man had no right making me feel that way

And to make it worse he teases me with a gentle kiss in the corner of my lips, Are u kidding?!!!!


The kiss is pretty close!! How are you guys feeling about this chapter?

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Hello, my lovelies make sure to go treat yourself with some junk food or something you want to eat!! Love you all ♡︎

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