1.27 - Oliver's son

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chapter twenty-seven
Oliver's son

I knock on the door of Oliver's apartment

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I knock on the door of Oliver's apartment. There's no response causing me to knock again.

"Who are you?" I hear a young voice ask. I furrow my brows.

"Adalyn, Adalyn Wayne." I state confused. I hear the door unlock and open to see a child.

"He said I could open the door to an Adalyn." The young boy states, "Come in." He stands to the side as I walk into the apartment.

"Is Oliver home?" I question.

"No." I shut the door behind me as I watch this kid walk across the room.

"Who are you?" I question as he sits down on the couch.

"I'm William." He states. "Did you want a drink?"

"No I'm fine thanks." I follow him over to the couch and sit beside him. "Will he be back soon?"


"How do you know Oliver?" I question as William turns the tv on.

"He's my dad." I freeze. Oliver never mentioned he had a child.

"Wheres your mom?" I question scared theres another woman.

"She died." My face falls. He didn't seem to bothered telling me it happened a while ago.

"Im sorry." I state. "My mom died too." This caused him to look at me. I give him a small smile as he returns it.

"Do you know much about english?"

"As in the subject?" He nods. "Yeah I know a little."

"Good." He runs off before coming back with an exercise book. "I have an essay due and I don't know what I'm doing." I smile grabbing it. Writing i can do.

"Pass it over." He complies as i begin to read through. "Your dad cant help you?"

"Nah, hes useless." I laugh.

The front door opens.

"Will Im-" He pauses as I turn around to look at him.

"Hi." I state with a small smile. He smiles back looking between the two of us. I place my pen down before standing up, my face hard. Oliver puts down his bag not noticing my face. I walk over to him grabbing his arm. He turns to me his face getting concerned. "We need to talk." I look over at William. "Outside." Oliver nods. "Bye William, it was good to meet you! Oh and good luck with the essay." I open the door and walk out waiting for Oliver.

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