1.21 - group training session

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chapter twenty-one
group training session

chapter twenty-one group training session

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We enter the bunker in silence. I take my mask off as Oliver takes his hood off. He smacks his bow on the table and looks towards me.

"Your being stupid and reckless." I roll my eyes.

"You dont know my training!" I spit back.

"You know you can't do this alone!"

"This is my problem Oliver!"

"This doesn't have to be just your problem! You can ask for help." I shake my head looking down.

"No. I can do it myself!" I state. "I always have." He looks at me sadly.

"You don't have to." He takes a step foreword. My heart races at his statement. I've said too much.

"Why do you care? You just met me!" He pauses.

"Well I care about you!" He yells. "Ok?" I freeze looking at him. "I do." I look at him with a small smile.

"Me too." I respond. I pause. "Ok we can do it together." He smiles at me as the bunker doors burst open.

"Oliver!" Dinah states. "Have you seen the new hero."

"It's me." I state. Rene, Curtis and Dinah pause to looks at me.

"Listen up there's a new threat in Star City. Adalyn has some experience so I'd like you to listen to her."

"The Joker." I state walking towards them. "Gotham's number one villan. I've had some experience with him in the past and he won't be taken down easily." They all look at me. "If we're going to do this I'm going to need to see your skill level." I smile. "If it's ok, later on today can I see each of your fighting styles?" Oliver nods.

"We'll meet back here at 5pm and train."

"The joker is unpredictable." I state looking at the group. Rene, Curtis and Dinah stood in front of me each in their active gear. I was the same. Oliver, Diggle and Felicity stand behind me watching. I had spent the afternoon preparing. "He is a psychopath who will show no mercy. I have had many run ins with him and each time he brings something new. His second in command is Harley Quinn. A psychologist who turn maniac by the Joker. He also has many goons who will follow his commend until the end. They are in Star City for some reason, and he needs to be stopped." I begin to walk around. "I've devised a session to see if you have what it takes."

"What makes you think you can lead us." I look over at Rene.

"Because I'm the only one here who has fought him and survived." I spit back. I extend the metal pole I held in my hand. I motion for Oliver to stand closer. "Alright stand here." I state. He complies. "You all stand behind the line and when I say go you all run to attack Oliver."

"Should I have a weapon?" Oliver questions.

"No." I stand in between the two parties before I speak. "Go." All three rush towards men quickly figure out their plan. Dinah runs through first, then Rene covers her. Curtis the sneaks through. I smirk deciding my own plan. I turn towards Dinah sliding across the ground before tripping her over with my pole. I then continue across the floor and strike Rene in the back. I retract my pole before tackling Curtis to the ground. I foreword roll across the ground before throwing my pole and kicking Dinah down. All three members attempt to sit up and I finish standing up.

"They didn't even get close to Oliver." Diggle states.

"That was good."

"Good?" Curtis questions.

"Yes now I know your moves and how you perform." I explain picking my pole up from the floor. "Again."

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