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As I walked into my lonely apartment, a bit of sadness took over. Tonight would be my last night here. I already called my landlady and explained to her about me moving to Germany with Lucas. She said she is sad to see me go but I needed to follow my heart.

Lucas and I are going to go see my mother this afternoon when she gets off of work. I am not really looking forward to this. I asked Luc if we could just skip telling her until we got to Germany. Of course him being the caring man he is he told me no.

There is so much that I need to get done but I have no energy. All we are taking with us is clothes for right now. The rest of our things are going to go into storage until Lucas finds out how long we will be gone.

I still feel like I am dreaming. I can not believe I am getting married today. When I signed up for the dating app.... I was just looking for I guess you could say fun. Instead I found the love of my life.

As I was in the bedroom packing up some clothes it gave me time to think. Are we moving to fast. I mean we really have only been together for a couple of months. But it has been the best couple months I could ever imagine. I have never felt happier and  mainly I have never felt this loved. I can say I started falling for Lucas the first night we chatted online for hours. At first I believed he was to good to be true but he has shown me that he is very much truthful about how he feels.

Of course with me all the good thoughts are washed away with the bad ones. What if he has been playing with me? What if he realizes that I am not what he really wants to be with? Come one why would a man like Lucas really want to be with a rollie pollie Ollie? I know men like him really don't fall in love with girls like me.

" Baby, where are you?" Lucas yelled out walking through the front door.

I wiped the stupid tears that fell....
" In here..." I yelled back. Trying to pull myself out of the negative thoughts is a little hard to do sometimes.

I felt his huge arms wrap around my waist.....
" You ok baby girl?" He asked as he turned me around to face him.

" Are you positive you want to marry me Lucas?" I asked barely holding back more tears. I couldn't look at him, I would for sure lose it.

" Cheyenne baby please look at me..." He begged lightly raising my chin with his thumb. The tingles ran through my body. Everytime he touches me it happens.

" Baby, I have never been more positive about something than I am about marrying you and spending the rest of my life with you. Baby there is not a minute that goes by that I am not thinking about you....wishing I was with you. I can't stand being away from you. I love how I feel when I am with you. I love you my shy eyes."
He pulled me closer to him and kissed forehead....
" I promise you I will show you everyday for the rest of my life..."

" Your going to get tired of me and leave me." I cried

" Nope not happening...the only time I will ever leave you is when my time on earth has come to an end. And even then I will never leave you."

He held me so tight against his huge chest.

After packing up my suit cases and a duffle bag I locked up my apartment for the last time. Lucas hired movers to come pack my things and take them to storage. And this time tomorrow I will be a married woman.

My stomach was in knots as I got into the passenger side of Luc's truck. In just one night my whole has changed. I went from an assistant manager at a coffee shop living on my own with an amazing boyfriend. In few minutes that is all going to change. I will be a married woman that is moving across the world starting a whole new life.

" You ready baby?" Lucas asked has he pulled his seatbelt over his chest.

I turned and looked at him....
" I'm ready " smiling at him I placed my hand on his thigh....I gave him a little squeeze to reassure him that I was really ready.

As we got out of the truck Lucas came around to my side...
" Last chance to turn and run.... " He said laughing...
" Are you positive you want to do this?" The laughing stop as he asked me.

I only had one word to say....
" Yes "

I walked into the court house with one name and walked out with another.

Mrs. Lucas Davinni....I love the sound of that...

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