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Today is going to be a shitty day. I have so many restaurants to visit.

After getting up and getting ready I started thinking about the conversation I was having with Shyeyes. I haven't had a conversation with a woman I really enjoyed. I felt some how connected to her.

Good morning!!!

She really seems like someone I could really get to know and maybe have something with.

When I got to the office I ran into my buddy Tim the one who help get me this job.

"Hey man... What's going on?"

This guy is a dick head but yet he has the sweetest wife ever.

"Jackie told me to ask you about dinner this weekend... She said she has a friend she wants you to meet."

Just great another uncomfortable dinner. I can't say no... I would feel like I was being rude.

"Sure I'll come when?"

"Probably Saturday I don't know man she plans this shit and waits till the last minute to tell me... I'll text you"

"Alright... I gotta head out I have like ten restaurants to visit today."

Before I get in my truck I check my phone.

Good is your day going so far?

Everytime I see that little icon I get excited now.

Going better now I am talking to you... I got a busy day today.😉

I decided to go back to the coffee shop I went to yesterday. Their coffee ain't that bad. I was hoping I would get to see the manager that was there the day I had to do the inspection. She was cute. I done forgot her name. Dang it.

When I walked in there once again another manager. She was a cutie also.

"Good morning... Same as yesterday? Large carmel 3 sugars and almond milk."

"Ahh you remembered.."

"Yeah only because my friend Cheyenne... The manager that was here when you came for the inspection."

Hmm does that mean she was checking me out also...


Aww I'm sorry... I work the afternoon shift today.

As I wait for my coffee I reply back to my Shyeyes... Oh how lame calling her mine already.

Oh dang wish I would have known I would have invited you for ☕...

I wanna just stare at my phone waiting for her to reply but I have work to get done. Maybe I will ask her if she would really like to go out for coffee.... Maybe soon.

I don't know how this shit works. I have never talked to someone on a dating site before. Like do you chat for a while before actually meeting or what.

When I got to my first restaurant I could already tell there was going to be major problems.

When I asked for the manager the employee had an attitude with me like I was disturbing her. Finally after standing and waiting for over 10 minutes the manager came out from the office.

Walking through the restaurant I had already spotted so many things.

I pulled my phone out to call the boss man about getting a shut down order and the little icon I love seeing....

Aww that would been cool... Lazy me I am still laying in😜

I made the call before I replied back.

Thinking about how what to say, I walked out to my truck. What I thought about saying I don't think would be a good reply....

Hmmm wish I was laying in bed with you....

But instead

It's not so bad being lazy... I'm sure you are gonna have a long day at work... Afternoons are always crazy.

Well that was lame. How do I let her know that I want to get to know her more... I want to meet her. I clicked on her profile picture and I felt like I have seen her before. I could not place my finger on it.

For the rest of the day I found myself trying to figure out where I have seen my Shyeyes. Fuck there I go calling her mine again.

Well I'm getting ready for work... Send me a message whenever and I will reply when I can.... Have a good evening Sgt. L 😉

That's it I will ask her what her real names is.... Just not right now.... Man grow some balls.

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