Chapter 4

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I changed that in chapter 1 Zeltrech calls him the second magus killer. Also, I will be making it that before he was summoned, he had to do some counter-guardian duties.

Shirou was currently on top of an aeroplane lying down and looking at the sky, deep in his thoughts. His master had already gone to Fuyuki before him, Arturia and Irisviel. Probably to set his plans in motion.

Irisviel is inside the aeroplane with Arturia and since she can't go into dematerialise, she has to use the plane with her master. After a few more hours they finally arrived in Fuyuki. Shirou stands up and looks down as he sees his companions coming out. Arturia looks up at him and smiles, he also reciprocates it but is currently thinking of what he should do now...

Irisviel: So, this is the country Kiritsugu was born in...

Shirou: Irisviel...

Irisviel: Yes Shirou?

Shirou: I'm gonna go travel around and get a good layout of the city. Also to see if I can find master anywhere.

Irisviel: Huh, are you sure you don't want to travel with us?

Shirou: It'll be more faster in spirit form.

Irisviel: I see... [Sounding disappointed]

Shirou: Arturia catch.

Arturia: Hm? [Catches item] A dagger? What shall I use this for Shirou?

Shirou: If anything happens and your in need of help. Then break the dagger and I'll know immediately.

Arturia: I see. I'll let use it when the opportunity arises.

Shirou: Good. Anyways I'll see you guys later. [Goes spirit form]

Soon after that, Irisviel and Arturia talked a little before getting in a car and doing their own thing. While Shirou decided to look around Fuyuki.

Shirou: It's really different... I wonder if that's still there.

Shirou then made his way down a path he'll never forget. Soon he arrived right outside an old, abandoned looking house. It's just like he remembered before he moved in here. This was the house he, Miyu and Kiritsugu lived in.

Being in his spirit form allowed him to enter the house easily. While he was looking around he couldn't help but think about the difference between this and what it'll look like in the future.

Without him even knowing, he was sitting in the spot he last spoke to Kiritsugu and looked up at the sky. Soon it got dark and he jumped onto the roof. He looked to his left and saw that mountain. The one Miyu will soon appear in.


This! It's a servant. And it seems to be calling out, probably wanting to challenge someone.


Shirou then felt the dagger he gave Arturia break. Seems she's going to engage in combat. Shirou, using reinforcement, made his way over. While he did he sensed his master in the vicinity and went towards him. He currently seems to be watching the battle with a sniper.

Kiritsugu: Your here.

Shirou: I am master. Seems like your no ordinary magus. Using modern day technology.

Kiritsugu: it's one of Magus' greatest weaknesses, I'm sure you could understand.

Shirou: [Chuckling] I do. I'm very impressed... Oh? Looks like Lancer's master is over there.

Shirou Emiya In Fate/Zero [Miyuverse Shirou]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat