Chapter 5- The Greatest Love Story

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Chapter 5

Freddie still wasn't back after two hours, making us all wonder what the challenge was. Agreeing that it must have been very hard we waited for him to return to camp. Then three hours went by and we all went silent waiting for Freddie. By the fourth hour we were all worried. I think Dougie could see I was getting worked up and came and sat down next to me on my bed. Putting his arm around my shoulder, he tried to comfort me, "Hey, he'll be alright."

"How do you know? He's been gone for four hours."

"Because I do, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Soon as the words left my mouth Willie came into camp from the Bush Telegraph with a note in his hand.

"Freddie's had a mishap." I turned and looked at Dougie. I didn't have to say anything, the look said it all- it said I told you so.

"What happened?" Jess asked walking over to Willie.

"All it says is that he's been taken to the jungle doctors." Everyone went silent taking in the news, "however he did win the trial." Some people gave a little cheer for his victory but Dougie and I stayed silent. I really couldn't see why they were cheering when we didn't know how injured Freddie was. One of our campmates was unwell and we don't know why, yet they were celebrating which I just thought was absurd.

"Hey, are you alright?" Dougie asked from my side.

"You promised me he'd be fine." I said without looking at him.

"I know, I'm sorry. Why don't we go back to camp?" I didn't even realise that as we were walking, we started to move away from our cheering campmates down towards the lake.

"Not while they are celebrating." I said while looking down at my hands, "God, if that was Abby," I muttered to myself; bring tears to my eyes at just the thought. 

"Abby? She's your sister right? You too are very close."

"Where one goes the other follows. Well, most of the time." I could feel the tears falling down my face as I thought more and more about her.

"She is fine," Dougie said pulling me into a hug while I silently cried into his chest as he stroked my hair away from my face. "I can see why you're upset now."

"It's just that I hate the thought of everything bad happening to anyone. It might not make sense to you, and I can't explain it properly but the thought of that happening to Abby just scares me."

"Come on let's go back to camp." He said while wiping a tear away that had fallen. Once back we found out that Jess had gone to do the celebrity chest and not long after came back with the chest. After having a shower since she was covered in slim, she opened the box and read the question out.

"How many women would have plastic surgery, A- 20% or B- 30%? As someone who's had plastic surgery, I'd pick B."

"What about you Heather? Are you real or fake?" asked Dougie.

"If you must know, I have had something done." I replied without thinking and mentally cursed myself for letting it slip.

"Really? I didn't know that?" Steph said.

"That's because no-one knew it."

"So what did you have done? It has to be them boobs, they are huge." Dougie questioned.

"No it wasn't my boobs, they are real. You don't need to know what I got done. Anyway I think its B because it's still a low number." 

"I think it's B too," Dougie piped in.

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