
week earlier, Tori somehow managed to arrange a surprise birthday party for Jade. They walked into the house from a stroll around the island to find Jade's family, Tori's family and Lydia all in the dining room, yelling, "Happy Birthday, Jade!"
Jade growled, "I hate surprise parties…"
Tori whispered, "Get used to them."
Eventually, Jade did find out how Tori arranged it. She would've done a face slap if she could. Tori texted any and all details, keeping the phone away from Jade's view. That was something the singer had started when they weren't speaking so Jade thought nothing of it.

~~end flashback~~

few nights after the party, they laid in bed. Tori was restless and so Jade, of course, couldn't sleep.
"What the hell is wrong, Vega?"
"I… I dunno…"
Suddenly, the proverbial light bulb went off in Jade's brain. "You're horny!"
"No… I'm not… That's not it… I don't get… Shut up!"
"Hah! I knew it!" Jade crowed.
"Shut up!"
"Alright, Vega. I know you need to get off. I do too, even if I can't do anything. I haven't had sex in months. I'm sure it's been even longer for you."
"Hah! A lot you know!" Tori countered.
"So, when did you last do it?"
In a very small voice, Tori said, "steven…"
"That creep from the party?"
"Yeah, we met at a party off campus and…"
"Don't want to know. One night stands are… Not that I haven't had one or two… Anyway, you're horny, I'm horny. We can fix this."
"You relieve yourself and tell me what's happening."
"What? Eew!"
A few minute later, Jade said, "So?"
"Alright! I'm sliding my hand down under my panties…"
"I hate that word!"
"You want me to stop?"
"No. Go on Vega."
"My skin is superhot. My pubic hair is scratchy and moist on my fingers. I reach below and feel my lips."
"Are they swollen?"
"God, yessss… I slide my fingers along them then slip a finger inside. It's so hot and wet! I find my spot and tease it."
There was a pause as Tori breathed hard. Jade tried to as well. "Well?"
"I'm close Jade. But I don't want to until you're ready…" Tori glanced over and saw Jade slowly close her eyes.
"I'm ready…"
"I use my other hand to play with my clit as it comes out. Now, I'm stroking it and pressing against my spot inside. I… I… Oh god! Jade! I'm cumming!"
Tori tensed then fell back on their bed.
"God, Vega! That was so hot! Who knew you were such an exhibitionist?"
Slowly Tori was able to ask, "Did it help you?"
Smiling languidly, "Yeah. After all, sex is a mental game too."
"Good night, Jade."
"Good night, Tori. Thank you."
"Yes, Jade?"
"What about my new body? I mean, won't it – she have a personality or…" Jade took a deep breath. "Isn't it murder?"
Herbert West took off his glasses, polishing the lenses, as he considered the question. "No. I learned how to alter the genes to halt natal brain development. The body will have the brain stem to regulate the body but there will be no consciousness. No personality. A cow or chicken would have more intelligence."
Tori chimed in, "Will that genetic effect backfire on Jade?"
"No. We know an awful lot about the human genome now. And learning more every day. I'm only altering the genes involved with neo-natal and natal development. Um, in the womb and immediately after birth. These are genes that directly affect those early days of growth but shut down automatically later, as the body develops. So that won't be a problem."
"Are you sure?" Jade asked. "I don't want this if my new body has a person who has to die -even if she's me. Uncle Herb, promise me that won't happen?"
"No Jade. This will be a body waiting for a host. You."
"A host? Sounds creepy. I like it," Jade said. Tori rolled her eyes but felt the same relief Jade did.
In the weeks following, with Lydia there to play Baywatch (as Jade put it), Tori took Jade swimming in the calm waters off the key. They quickly decided to stick to a back stroke or a dog paddle to avoid Jade accidentally swallowing the salt water into Tori's body.
They also found more and more favorites they shared. Music, of course. But they're taste in movies was surprisingly similar. The sole bone of contention was Jade loved gorn but Tori didn't. She had no problem with gore in movies but only if it was integral to the story, not just gore for the sake of gore.
Mutual favorites included old Mel Brooks movies as well as cheesy old sci-fi movies. But that started a spat – but a good-natured one - as they argued which was the worst movie ever made. Jade was dead certain it was Plan 9 From Outer Space, generally regarded as the worst movie ever made.
Tori countered with Robot Monster, also agreed by many as the worst movie ever made.
To settle the argument, they watched, made fun of, and laughed at both movies.
"Tori, you may have something. Ro-Man's costume just being a gorilla suit with a space helmet, is pretty bad. And, even with the Lawrence Welk bubble-machine radio Ro-Man used to talk to Ro-Master back on Mars… But it still doesn't have pie-plate UFOs or Bela Lugosi's last movie appearance and his death, during production, ineptly handled by the great Ed Wood."
Jade woke up, staring at the ceiling. The last thing she remembered was being wheeled into pre-op.
"Jade?!" She tried to turn her head to the sound of Tori's voice as she called for the nurse and her uncle. Glancing to the left, she saw a strap, some wires and a medical device tree. No Tori.
Suddenly, Tori was above her. On her right! Tori smiled and said, "Hey..."
"Uh, heeaaa, Ve'aaa. I... I' w…wor'd?" Jade's voice was harsh so Tori gave her a spoonful of ice chips, smiling at the other all the while.
"Yes, it worked!" That typical Tori smile, "Yep. You have your own body again."
Her voice still raspy, naturally, Jade said, "Guess you're happy to be rid of me."
"Ummm..." Tori blushed then shook her head, "Not really. I kinda got used to you being right there by my side."
Rather than address that, Jade pointedly glanced at the large bandage on Tori's right shoulder. "So, what? You trying out for the hospital theater production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame?"
"Either you're Quasimodo or Eye-gore."
"Oh! The hump."
"What hump?" Jade deadpanned.
Both chuckled at the old joke from Young Frankenstein. But Jade groaned too, "Hurts to laugh…"
"The good kind of pain?" Before Jade could reply, Tori answered Jade's question, "This was where we were joined. The removal left a small gap that'll being treated with grafts where it's too big for sutures. But, with those future skin grafts, I'll hardly have a scar. You either, once the neck heals."
Tori stood there for a minute then moved back. "You leaving?"
"No, just can't lean over too long without getting dizzy."
Jade laughed then groaned before she said, "You were born dizzy!"
"Yeah? Well, you were born..." Tori paused, not wanting to be mean, then continued, "You were born...bald!"
"Yeah, that's a real good comeback there, Vega."
Tori laughed then asked, "So how are you feeling?"
"God, I'm sorry. I didn't think… More ice?"
"I'd rather have water but…" Jade replied, even as she nodded.
Ice chips were spooned into Jade's mouth and she talked around the melt, "Otherwise, I feel okay. I think. Uncle Herb said it might be a while before I feel...complete."
"Well, from where I'm sitting, you have a great body. Uh... Umm..."
"Thanks, Tori. I'm kinda glad you like it..."
"I've sort of grown attached to you since this whole crazy thing happened too."
Unseen by Jade, a warm hand gently gripped a limp, cool one. Jade smiled as she felt Tori's hand. Then she cried out, "I can feel your hand holding mine! Tori! I can feel your hand!"
"Jade, that's wonderful!"
Doctor West came in, "Jade! How's my favorite patient?"
"Awake, thirsty, anxious, happy, worried, immobile, impatient, thankful, angry, afraid and thirsty. Feeling Tori…"
Ignoring the last statement, Tori spoke, "You said thirsty twice."
"I'm really thirsty. Can't I have real water?"
Uncle Herbert shook his head, "Sorry Kiddo. Not just yet. Food either. For now, you're getting food and fluids intravenously. Ice chips to keep your mouth moist."
"How long?"
"Depends on your recovery."
"Uncle Herb, I can feel Tori's hand!"
"What? Already? That's amazing! Can you try to squeeze her hand?"
Jade's face showed her trying. Tori lied, "I can feel you!"
"No you can't," Jade stated. "I appreciate it but I know I didn't do anything."
"Maybe not, Jade. But the fact that you already feel is a great sign," Herbert said.
"Why is my neck sore? Shouldn't it just be my head or scalp or…?"
Herbert shook his head. "No. I, uh… Your new body didn't develop a full-sized head since I retarded the brain development. Should've expected that… Anyway, I decided to just replace that with your head."
"Just?! That's incredible! All the nerves and blood vessels and…"
"Microsurgery aided by high-speed, high-capacity computers programmed to operate some exceptional robotic surgical aids. Even so, I had you on the table for almost twenty-four hours. Took over eight hours to separate your head. My associate, Dan Cain, a world-class surgeon - thanks to my tutelage - took care of repairing Tori after the removal. I immediately got to work with your head on your new body."
"And it worked?" Jade asked, still feeling the reassuring hand in hers.
"Yes, far better than I expected. You're already feeling sensation. That means the nerves are already healing and developing. Your musculature will need extensive work once that is finished. You'll be in rehab for quite a while. But, in the long run, you'll be better than ever. You still have your tonsils and any old scars or…whatever, are gone."
He smiled, "Even your tattoo. You'll need to restore that once you're ready. If you want."
"How long?"
"I'm not sure yet. But the fact that you can feel your friend's hand is an incredible sign! At best, I thought you might feel things in a couple of months."
Tori spoke up, "Jade, if you want, I'll be here for the whole process."
Jade looked at Tori, who was back in her line of sight, and replied, "I want."
Tori smiled back then yelped, "She squeezed my hand!"
"No, I didn't!" Jade protested. "I can't move any muscles below my neck."
"Jade, I really did!"
Herbert leaned over, taking his glasses off and squinting, "Jade, I think Tori might be right. I see some slight movement under your skin…"
"Oh my God!" Jade said, her voice full of hope and joy.
Soon the room was full of happy family members, Vegas and Wests.
In a surprisingly short period of time, less than a week, Tori took Jade out of her room and the university hospital in a wheelchair. They took a short trip around the Miskatonic grounds on a grey, misty day in late fall. The New England climate was all they expected.
"A far cry from the Keys," Jade griped.
"Yeah but for a good cause. A very good cause."
Jade strained to move her head slightly and smiled, "Thank you again, Tori."
"De nada."
Pausing along the old brick wall above the Miskatonic River, they gazed across the water towards the Old Town section of Arkham. Jade nodded to the old gabled houses, "Supposed to be witch-haunted. Like tales of old Salem but up by a factor of, oh say, a thousand.
"This is an Ivy League quality school but there were rumors of weirdness way back in the Prohibition years. The school did take a hit in the prestige factor but still has a sizable student body. If I wasn't into performing, I'd probably be going here instead."
Tori sighed, "I'm glad you didn't. This place does have a kind of weird vibe."
"Cool, ain't it?"
"Yeah, to weirdos like you!" Tori declared as she slowly started to roll Jade back to their room in the hospital.
That night, Jade was still awake and Tori knew it. Since they were allowed to share a room, it was obvious if one or the other was restless.
"Remember the times when I'd…masturbate to help you get off?"
"No, can you remind me?" Jade replied, sarcasm heavy in her voice.
"That's not what I…" Tori got up and walked over. In a quiet voice, Tori said, "Would you mind if I did this?"
She pulled the sheet and blanket off Jade's torso. Jade said nothing, her eyes locked on Tori's. "Or this?" Tori's hand slid down to pull up the hospital gown. "Or this?" Tori found Jade's uncovered vagina as her fingers combed through the prickly hair. "Or this?" Tori found wet heat as she expected and moved her fingers up and down. "Or this?"
The brunette leaned over and began to lick Jade. That tongue that so used to irritate Jade was bringing her more pleasure than she had ever experienced. In moments, as Tori plunged her tongue deep into Jade, she cried out as she spasmed against Tori's tongue and climaxed.
Tori move back up and kissed Jade softly. Jade's tongue came out to lick her essence from Tori's face.
With a wicked smile, Tori said, "You came awfully quickly. I think you need a little more pleasure."
She dove into her friend's sex with vigor.
Unfortunately, due to the surgery and rehab, it would be several months before Jade could return the favor. But she did…with a vengeance!
A year later, with suitable cover stories, they were back at USC, pursuing their education, when Herbert West called.
"Uncle Herb? Hi!" Jade exclaimed, hugging her slender savior.
"Is Tori here?"
"Why would you think she was here?"
"Your mom told me about you two…"
Jade blushed, "Damn, I wanted them to get back together but now that they did… No frickin' secrets!"
"Jade, I don't care! I think you two are a great team. And a cute couple. I'm happy for you. But the reason I'm here is…"
"Hey, Jade, they didn't have the… Uncle Herb? Hey! How are you?" Tori enveloped the man in a hug.
"Tori, he wanted to talk to us.'
The look on Tori's face, along with the one on Jade's, showed their worry.
Herbert quickly said, "Nothing to worry about. You're both doing better than I'd hoped."
Nodding in relief, Tori got a bottle of zinfandel out and the three of them sat in the living room. "So, why am I here?" The girls nodded, almost as one. "First, how are you feeling?"
Jade said, "Good."
"Yeah, good."
Jade said, "But I do have this occasional pain in my ass…"
Herbert laughed. "Yes, you seem to be doing quite well.
"Now, what I wanted was your permission to… I want to publish. This. Your survival, how I accomplished it and… Well, everything."
The girls had expected this but hadn't decided how they wanted to handle it.
"Give us a minute," Jade said as she dragged her girlfriend to the bedroom.
Tori looked thoughtful. "I… It's only fair he gets credit. This was a monumental accomplishment. Up there with Galileo or Newton. But…"
"I know. The publicity wouldn't be good for our careers. We'd be successful but only because people wanted to see or hear the freaks' work. But Uncle Herb saved my life and I owe him more than I can ever hope to repay."
"And, thanks to him, I have you," Tori said.
Jade smiled and kissed the singer. "Wait, I have an idea…"
Six months later, the Journal of the American Medical Association published an article titled Preserving Life: A Radical New Method by Herbert West, PhD, NS, MD.
He detailed all the steps taken to preserve the life of a near-death accident victim, including the volunteer to host the head with the subsequent effects to both. The cloning of a new body was detailed as was the surgery required to remove the victim's head and attaching it to the new body. The article ended with the current state of the patients and the possibilities of the use of these techniques and technologies.
As the names of the patients was not revealed, there was considerable debate within the medical community and in the public sector. The overall consensus was this was a fake. Some in the medical field changed their tune when full records of the procedures were made available - with retraction of the patients' identities.
When pressed, West continually refused to share the details of the people who were the subjects of the article. He knew that would help his case but it could also hurt two young women who he loved. His niece and her girlfriend's security was more important to him than his own reputation.
When Jade offered to come forward, he knew she was just trying to help but he didn't want her hurt. So, he refused.
And his reputation was tarnished, or glorified, across the board. Fortunately for him, he did have tenure at Miskatonic. And, in the end, the university took as just another weird rumor to their reputation.
The enrollment at the Halsey School of Medicine also doubled as a result.
Ten years after the JAMA article was published, Doctor Herbert West's reputation was clear and even revered. The techniques worked in multiple cases with various trauma victims. Even a couple of situations where someone with money didn't want to die – those doctors had far worse reps than West ever had. Even after his earlier attempt to reanimate a dead body.
At this point, Jade had three movies under her belt. The first was not a huge hit but, like John Carpenter's Dark Star, it was achieving cult status. The others were definitely hits and helped bring horror into acceptance as a main stream genre.
Tori had released her third album. The first two hit gold status in sales. Her last album hit platinum. Her tours were sell-outs internationally.
Both had solid reps established and a comfortable life that would survive just about anything. So they decided it was time.
Tori stepped up to the microphones and said, "Thank you all for coming. My wife and I would like to make a statement.
"Thirteen years ago, Jade West was in a near-fatal car crash. Her body was horribly damaged and she was on death's door. Her uncle, Doctor Herbert West of the Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts, was able to step in and save her head which was attached to Victoria Vega while a new body was created for Ms. West.
"They survived the surgery and the year sharing a single body before the new, cloned body war ready. Due to complications in the growth process, rather than a brain transplant, the entire head was attached to the body while Doctor Daniel Cane took over Ms. Vega's recovery surgery.
"Ten years ago, Dr. West published his report of this incident. To protect our lives and potential careers, he protected our anonymity. Even after we offered to come forward when he was accused of lying, he maintained his silence.
"Now, Jade and I have our moderate successes and feel it's time to come forward to support the man who saved my love and brought about our lives together."
Jade stepped over to Tori and took her hand, remembering that moment years before when she first felt that warm hand gripping her own. Tori smiled at her wife, squeezed her hand and asked, "Now… Any questions?"

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