The Betrayal

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Y/n barely heard Eret over the victorious cheers of Tubbo and Tommy, but she could already tell, just by the man's personality, that what ever he wanted was not good. She looked over to Will to see if he shared the same expression, but instead he had a massive smile on his face and was jogging over her way, holding out both hands for her to take.

"Y/n! We did it! That was so good!" He said, beaming. She looked up to meet his gaze, and gave a small smile, but defiantly didn't share his enthusiasm, and he knew it.
"Hey, are you Ok?" He said as he grabbed her shoulder. "We just won the first battle, you should be happy"

Y/n momentarily changed her focus from Wilburs face to the 4 men behind him who were jumping around and giving each other "victory carrots". Eret met her gaze once and glared threatningly.


She quickly shifted gaze back to Wilburs face, which looked sort of worried.

"Oh yeah sorry, just kind of... I don't know..."

"Hey you can tell me anything" he said, which nearly made Y/ns heart melt from the compassion.

"Will, look," She said, taking his hand off her shoulder and turned him around to watch the others celebrate.
"I feel like it was all too easy. Like, I know Dream, he wouldn't just give in that quickly. They had heaps of chances to kill us all, but yet they didn't." She stared him down deeply now, but he was still confused. "Don't you get it Will?! This is all a trap!"

That last bit if raised voice shocked Wilbur into focus, but he still didn't think she was right.

"Come on Y/n, let's go." He said, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. She smiled and nodded, trying to trust the man, and started to follow him.

Tommy looked back to see if Will and Y/n were following, only to look down quickly at their interlocked hands. He smiled to himself.

"Will let's go back home" He said as the other two caught up. He slowly upped his pace to a jog, before Will stopped him.

"Tommy, we run for no man, we walk from here" he said as Y/n paced beside him.

Suddenly a voice appeared almost out of nowhere. It was Eret.

"Now lady and gentlemen, I have been grinding for a weapon that could be used in out attack, and I want to show it to you." He said confidently. Will looked down to Y/n, who had slowened her pace, but gave her a little "Come on" face and she soon picked up again.

"Through the walls boys" Tommy said loudly as the 6 of them made their way through the walls of L'manburg.

Soon Eret stopped next to a small hill by a tree, and dug away 2 blocks of dirt to reveal a tunnel that seemed to lead down quite a far way. Y/n cause his eyes for a second but yet again he threatened her through his gaze and started to walk down the tunnel. Soon Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy followed, and Wilbur started to walk, but Y/n grabbed his hand.

"Will I have a bad feeling about this" she said, squeezing his had. He knew she wasn't lying this time.

"Hey," he said, cupping her cheek with his spare hand, "it will all be Ok, and I'll protect you."

"But what if you get hurt, I don't want you to die" she said a single tear ran down her cheek, which was quickly brushed away by Wilburs hand.

"I won't, I promise" he said before giving her a hug and a small kiss on the forehead. Y/n tried desperately to hide her smile, but for some reason when ever he did that she couldn't help it. Finally she nodded and followed Wilbur down the tunnel.

After what seemed like a few hundred meters of underground networking, Wilbur and Y/n caught up with the other in a room labeled 'Final Control Room'. Wilbur could sense Y/ns nervousness, and gave her hand a reasuring squeeze.

"There's nothing in the chests" she heard Tommy say as he closed the lid of one of the three wooden boxed that had been placed in this small room.

"What does this button do?" Wilbur asked as he crouched down to examine the small stone button on the floor. Y/n Looked over to see Eret with the ugliest smirk on his face.

"This my friend, is the weapon" Eret said finally as he held his hand procautiously over the button, before pressing down hard.

The last thing Wilbur remembered was Y/ns terrifed and painful screams as she ran over to his fallen body, the dark red potion bubbles surrounding everyone, and Eret say something that scared him greatly.

"Down with the revolution boys, it was never meant to be".

Then black.

The Walls Between Us - Wilbur Soot x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now