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"The declaration of war!" Y/n said, shocked.

"Oh god" Tommy and Tubbo said simultaneously.

Wilbur sighed and placed the book down.
"Men, it will be ok." He said as he started to pace around the van. "You see, war isn't a bad thing. If we can fight off a whole army, we can prove we are strong enough to be a nation!" The excitement glowing in his brown eyes.

"Yes, but Will, we don't want to fight. L'manburg is a peaceful country." Y/n said, pulling Wilbur around to look her in the eyes.

"We will do what we must-" Will said, before Tommy cut him off.

"For Independance!" He yelled, raising his arm in celebration. Y/n laughed at her friend and relaxed a little. As long as she had her friends she would be ok.

Suddenly there was a firm knock of the door. Everyone in the room exchanged confused glances, before Tommy went to see who it was.

"Hello. I've heard you are at war" said the man. He was young with medium length brown hair and sunglasses.


Tommy walked him in and Eret and Wilbur exchanged nods in greeting.
"Hello Eret, how have you been" Wilbur said taking a seat at a chair in the center of the van.

"I'm ok. I've heard you guys are in a spot of trouble with Dream. I wanted to let you know that I wanted to join your revolution."

Everyone paused. Wilbur went to say something, but then stopped to glance at Y/n. She was looking some what un easy about the man who had just walked in, but he brushed it off and turned back to him.

"Yeah, of course Eret," he said with a sigh "the more people we have the better" Eret smiled and took a seat next to Tommy on one of the benches.  Wilbur went out the back of the van, before soon returning with another revolution outfit. It was one of his spares.

"This may be a little big..." He said as Eret pulled over the jacket. Indeed it was. The sleeves hung down past his hands and the coat didn't fit really nicely around him, but it would have yo do.

Everyone got themselves sorted again and there was an awkward silence. Wilbur muttered a few words to Tommy, but too quiet for Y/n to hear. Soon, Tommy and Tubbo both stood up and looked over to Will for instructions.

"Come on Will, we can't just stand here all day-" but Wilbur wasn't listening. Instead he had leaned back to rest against the wall of the van and shut his eyes momentary.
"Tommy," he said, "You guys have been working for weeks now without a break. Go do your selves a favour and go home. Just for a day."

"But Will-"

"Men, that is an order!" He said with agrivation in his voice. It didn't seem that he wanted to come across as angry, but the sudden tone in his voice certainly changed the vibe in the room.

Tommy and Tubbo nodded slowly, before giving each other a small grin and racing out of the door. They still had plenty of energy.

Eret left soon after, saying that he needed to go back to the Dream SMP to meet up with some friends. Now it was just Will and Y/n.

Wilbur was still leaning up against the wall. His hand had gone up to pinch the bridge of his boss, and his head was low. Y/n knew he wasn't ok.

She walked over slowly and sat next to him.
"Are you ok?" She asked quietly, not wanting him to yell at her aswell. He lifted his head slowly to face her, before putting of a forced smile.
"Just a headache, that's all." He said rubbing his forehead.

Y/n looked at him with concern. He was her General, he had never been in this much pain.
"Will, I don't think you're ok" she said before jumping of the bench and walking into the store room. She came back out with an aspirin and glass of water.

She waked back to Will who had sat up a tiny bit more. "Here, take this" she say, handing him the small pill and water.
"Thanks" he said before swallowing it. Y/n smiled slightly before standing up.

"Come on" she said, holding out both hands in front of her friend and smiling down at him. Will pulled himself up and took a minute to steady himself.

"Sometimes you are too kind for me" he said giggling. She laughed back.
"I'm not too kind, you are just around people who aren't kind enough!" She said, referring to Tommy. Wilbur laughed again and followed Y/n out of the caravan.

Will span up so he could walk next to her, before speaking.
"Hey," he said, catching her off guard "i realised we never really had a propper introduction. Tommy just kinda said your name is Y/n and Mines Wilbur" he said, smiling at the memory of the girl being dragged by Tommy over to him.

Y/n smiled.
"I guess you're right. Ok, with don't we re-introduce ourselves" she said, stopping at a small log to sit down.

"Alright. Hello, I'm Wilbur Soot" he said holding out his hand for her to shake. "I'm 23 years old and my favorite things include starting revolutions and pissing off green men." Y/n laughed at the last bit and shook his hand in a sarcastically professional way.

"Alright. I'm Y/n L/n. I'm also 23 years old and my favorite things include joining revolutions and pissing off green men." She said with a massive grin on her face.

"Well it's nice to meet you Y/n"

"You the same"

Both laughed before standing up and walking around to the holy dirt. Y/n felt the happiest she ever had. She had a friend who was her age and was part of an exciting movement. This was the biggest thing she had done in her life.

Her thoughts were cut off by Wilburs voice.
"Hey, I have a question" he said quickly.


"Today when Eret came. You look kind of uneasy. Why?" He asked, now looking directly at her.

Y/n knew why. Eret had been known to be untrustworthy on the Dream SMP. He was a person who would commonly switch sides to who ever was winning. Of course, Will didn't know that because he was so new, but her, Tommy and Tubbo all did.

But Wilbur had had a long day, so she though lying was her best bet.

"Just some personal stuff, don't worry" she said, avoiding his gaze. "I just don't really trust him anymore. I don't want any of you guys to get hurt."

Wilbur looked puzzled, before placing a hand on her shoulder. She turned her gaze up to him and smiled.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about us. We have each other. Besides, everyone has three lives. Tommy and Tubbo still have 2, and you and I have three." He explained, looking into her eyes to tell her he was telling the truth. "It will all be ok."

"But what if what I does hurts you or something" she said, still worried.

"Nothing that you could do could hurt me. True friends cant be hurt. Besides, you're probably not strong enough" he said, smirking at her.

He knew exactly what to say to cheer her up. Almost immediately he face brighten and she fought back a smile that was trying desperately to creep onto her face.

"I could totally hurt you!" She said, raising her voice, making him laugh.

"Never. You would never hurt me" he said smiling down at her with a very satisfied look. He knew she could hurt him. As anyone could. But no-one could hurt him like she could if either of them did something to break their friendship.

But in this moment, this exact moment, where she was laughing at his side and making him laugh too, he felt happy.

As long as they both made it out the other side.

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