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Y/n stood back to admire her small corner of Wilburs house that he had said she could have. She had spiced it up, decorating it with vines and a small rug and a matching white bed. She didnt have much space, but it already felt more home-ly than Dreams house.

"That looks nice" came a voice from the door. Y/n quickly turned around to see a smiley Wilbur leaning up on the frame.

"Thanks!" She said enthusiastically "I love your house, I hope I'm not being a burden" as she looked down at her feet and then back to her small bed.
Wilbur chuckled a bit and shook his head.
"Like I said, it's completely fine, and you are never a burden! Besides, it does get a little lonely." He said as his smiled dropped ever so slightly. "I was hoping to move into Tommys house with Him, but he didn't seem to want me" he said and laughed sadly.

Y/n pouted at him and laughed, making him do that same. She flicked her eyes over to the window. Almost immediately her eyes were hit with a bright light from the setting sun. She could see everyone outside had already gone home.

"It's getting kinda dark. Do you want me to get food?" She asked him, but he was already grabbing out some steaks from his chest.

"Hope you like beef" he said as he opened the furnace door and threw some wood into the flames, before placing the food into the hot oven.

"Stop being so nice to me" she said, holding the e and going to sit down. "I came into your home, I should be getting the food for you!" Wilbur just smiled at her and ruffled her hair as he walked past.
"Nonsense. I'm not going to make you do all the work, especially since you are so new"

Y/n smiled to herself as she watched the tall man carefully take the meat out of the roaring fire and get out two small bowls and some cutlery. He looked very satisfied with himself as he placed the food into the bowls and bring then to the table.

"It's not 5 star like you are used to, but it's food" he said as he sat down.

"Oh, I'm perfectly happy with this. Dreams food was all too processed and meh" she said as she carefully cut into the perfectly cooked meat. Wilbur watched her eat for the first mouthful, waiting for a sign that the food was good. He didn't notice that she had seen him.

"What?" She said with a mouthfull of steak.

"Oh, sorry. Just wanted to make sure you liked it"

"Well no shit mister Soot, no I'll just eat a whole steak and hate it?" She said as she swallowed and then coughed, before laughing.

"Oh, sorry, just didn't know if it was any good" he said, stuffing a large piece of meat into his mouth, making Y/n laugh. He soon started laughing too and before long both couldn't stop.

"I am such an ugly eater" he said, wiping the side of his mouth with a napkin.

"Oh I'm worse" she said back, still laughing. "I hope I haven't ruined your apitite!"


For the next half an hour Y/n and Will ate, joked, laughed and cleaned up the giant mess that they had made. Y/n had never felt so happy. She had a best friend how she could tell anything and just laugh it off. She had never felt so safe or comfortable around anyone, not even her parents. Will had something about him that made him special.

Once the two had cleaned up, they both plonked down onto the small couch in the middle of his house.

"Thanks for the food" she said, looking up at his face and giggling at a stray piece of hair sticking out from his hat. Wilbur was about to say you're welcome, but then she started to stare up at his hair and then giggle.

The Walls Between Us - Wilbur Soot x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now