New People

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Wilbur woke to the smell of bacon that had filled his house. Smiling to himself, he sat up from his bed and slipped on a shirt, before walking over to the kitchen.

"Morning sleepy head" came a cheery voice standing at the stove. "Sleep ok?"

He smiled at her happienss.
"I did actually. It was nice not being alone like normal" he said a little sadly, but still with a sleepy smile on his face.
"Whatcha cooking?" He said, changing the subject.

Y/n turned the pan to him, showing 2 rashes of bacon and 2 eggs gently frying in the small pan.

Wilbur sighed.
"You know you don't need to cook, I could have done that." Y/n scoffed, before chuckling at him.
"Dont be ridiculous. Besides, I was hungry, and you were still asleep. I wasn't gonna wait" she said, earning a smile from her friend. He took a set and she brought the food to the table.

"So, what are you doing today?" She said as she began to tuck in.

"Well, I need to have a conversation to Tommy about something, and then after that I have someone that I want you all to meet." Will said between mouthfulls. "But until then I guess just working on finishing the walls"
Y/n nodded slowly in agreement before smiling back at him.

After a few minutes they were finished the food and both went to adjust their appearance. Y/n brushed out her hair and straightened her jacket, and Wilbur put his uniform on and ruffled up his hair. Y/n loved it when he did that, even though I didn't make it any tamer, it kind of added to his cheery and easy going character.

"Ok, I'm heading out to see Tommy now, I'll be back shortly." He said, giving her a small wave and smile before walking out of the door. Y/n waved back and shortly walked out of his house too. Looking around their country made her feel proud, like she had a place to belong. Weighing up her options, she decided to go against Wills suggestion. Wilbur had said to work on the walls until he came back, but something else seemed more interesting.

In the distance she could see Eret working on burrowing out a small hole in the side of a small him just inside the walls of L'manburg. He was looking around him every now and again to make sure no one was there. Will hadn't said anything about his little project, so she was a little confused.
As she began to walk over, Eret seemed to have heard her and quickly came running out of his hole and covered it up with dirt.

"What are you doing?" She asked his very suddenly. He looked at her with a puzzled face, before a smirk formed.

"Why do you ask, Miss Y/n?"

"Will never told me about this sort of project" she said in a matter-of-factly sort of way. The smirk on Erets face grew wider.

"Grown very close to our leader haven't you. He sure seems to have taken to you. Didn't with me."

Y/ns blank face twisted into a glare.
"Wilbur does not fancy me, I am just temporarily staying with him" Eret just nodded and started to walk away, turning his back on the girl. Y/ns face furrowed even more and she picked up into a jog to keep up.

"You never answered my question" she said firmly, although the young man didn't seem interested and instead kept walking away from her. "Eret-"

Suddenly his mood changed and he turned to face her.
"If you dare tell Will about anything you have seen me doing today I will kill you, understood." He said in a relitly calm, but stern tone. Y/n stood there breathless as the man turned his gaze away and laughed at her confused expression.

"I am using Wilburs inexperience of this server to my advantage. He has no idea what I did in the disc war, and I intend to keep it that way. And as for you, Girl, you shall keep your mouth shut and go about your business" Y/n took the hint that there was no use in talking to him, so instead she left. Eret walked opposite way before letting out one last laugh.
Picking up the neatherack, Y/n went back to building.

On the other side of the Dream SMP, Wilbur and Tommy were busily walking along the paths transporting goods to and from L'manburg.

"Hey Tommy?" Wilbur finally asked, breaking the silence between them.


"I... I was wondering..."

"Oh spit it out Will-"

"Tommy I want you to be my right hand man, officially" Wilbur stopped walking to look his friend in the eye. A massive smile broadened across his face.

Suddenly Tommy let out a loud scream.
"YEAHHHHH" he yelled, punching the air. Wilburs smile stretched wider as he watched his friend celebrate the promotion.

"I'll take that as a yes then?" He said sarcastically.

Both friends walked back happily, with Tommy every now and again suggesting crazy plans about the revolution. Wilbur just smiled and kept walking.
About half way back the two split ways, as Will needed to go meet someone.

When Will arrived back at L'manburg he called everyone into the caravan. Y/n took a seat next to him on one of the benches and smiled up at him. She tried as hard as she could to forget her and Erets convosation earlier, but his threatening words still rung in her ears.
It didn't make it any better when the young brown haired man walked into the van, accompanied by Tubbo and Tommy.

The un-ease on her face was clear to Wilbur, who looked down at her worryingly.

"Are you ok?" He mouthed. Y/n put on a smile and nodded slightly. He smiled back and stood up, before walking out to the back of the van.
When he came out, he was followed by a man. He was about Erets age, but was very different to him. The man seemed to be half fox. Y/n had seemed many hybrids on the Dream SMP, even Tubbo was half goat, but she had never seen a fox hybrid.

"Lady and gentleman, I would like to introduce you to Fundy." Will said, giving the man a pat on the shoulder. Fundy smiled shyly and said hi to everyone.
Wilbur had christened him his son, which Y/n found quite funny, because he had never known his fox family. Y/n did feel a little sad for him, but the man seemed quite cheerful.

"And you must be Y/n" he said politely as he reached her. Y/n smiled brightly, earning a nod of approval from Will.

"Hi! Yes, I am. Wow, I've never met a fox hybrid before!" She said enthusiastically, making Fundy laugh.

"Well I've never met a princess before, so we are equal" he said, making her chuckle and all the others do little bows as a joke.

Wilbur stood up and put a hand on her shoulder.
"Ah Yes, the Princess of L'manburg, a very nice lady if I do say so my self." He said, shoving her over a little.

Fundy looked at both if their smiling faces.
"Are you two a thing?" He asked, making Y/n and Will turn to each other, before Y/n started to laugh, and soon Wilbur.

"Hah, nope! I would never date this guy!" She said loudly, ruffling his fluffy hair. Even though she didn't notice, Wills face dropped, even just a degree, after she said that, although he kept his enthusiasm.

"Besides, all the women already love me!" Tommy said, jokingly plonking his arm around her shoulder, making her laugh even more.

Fundy stepped back a little to lean on the bench next to Tubbo.

"Is it always this crazy?" He asked, watching the three friends laugh ubcontolably.
"No, but ever since Y/n came, we have all had better spirits. She's really great you know!" Fundy nodded and smiled.

The one person who wasn't joining in was Eret. No one had noticed that he had left the caravan and was outside working on his tunnel, what ever it was. Wilbur said him out of the window, but dismissed it to continue talking to the others.

Besides, he wouldn't be doing anything bad now, would he?.

The Walls Between Us - Wilbur Soot x Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now