Relax A Little

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Top! Nobunaga


Summary: After being gone on the run for a while, you're stressed to the max and wander home for some relief from your lover. He is willing to provide... in a special kind of way.

Author: SheerIridescence (on ao3)


It's been weeks since you left to take care of some unsavory business. How many weeks exactly, you could not remember. All you knew was you wanted to go back to your safe space to relax after being on the run for what felt like a whole month. With your initial target eliminated, that meant you were unfortunately being tailed by his buddies for days at a time, so you couldn't head to your safe space just yet. You didn't want to jeopardize him and the organization -the Spiders, that is- just because you had some unwelcomed pissy bandits trying to avenge their dead friend. So, you ran and hid, hid and ran, for weeks on end until you finally shook them from your trail long enough for you to head home. Only then in that brief moment of confusion they were stuck in could you return to your home in Nobunaga's arms; and thank god that time was now.

It was painfully late at night and though you knew you weren't being followed at this exact moment, paranoia still forced you to do multiple double takes before you approached the hidden residence of your love, scanning your surroundings over and over again. Only once you were safely inside and out of sight did you release the breath you hadn't realized you were holding, brushing off your dusty and slightly torn clothing from the weeks you spent outside. It was a shame you couldn't look prettier, but considering the circumstances you didn't give a rats ass about your appearance, nor did you think Nobunaga would mind. All you really cared about now was finding him, so off you went through his home towards his room where you were sure he waited for you.

After pacing through his quiet and empty home you cautiously approached his room, knocking on the door gently before you pushed your way inside so as to not startle him with your sudden presence. There he sat atop his bed exactly as you had hoped, lost in a book to pass the time under the light of a few flickering candles. The creak of his door alerted him to look over the edge of said book, and when he saw it was you standing in his door frame that poor book was all but forgotten, quickly marked and tossed onto his nightstand as he stood to greet you with a look of surprise and open arms.

"_______! Where the hell have you been? None of my calls ever got through to you!" Nobunaga rambled as he pulled you into his arms, kicking the door shut behind you.

"I'm sorry babe. My target had friends so I was on the run for a bit." You replied sheepishly, already melting into his embrace. "I didn't wanna bring them back with me so I led them in circles for a few weeks. Almost got my ass caught a couple of times though, so I had to destroy my phone in case they had my signal. That's why you couldn't reach me."

"Oh pup... I take it back, you must be so stressed." He mumbled, kissing the top of your head. "C'mere. Sit with me."

"Yeah no shit. Stressed is an understatement." You scoffed as he guided you back to his bed. "I'm so on edge it's laughable."

He pulled you up into his lap with a deep sigh as he leaned against the wall, trapping you in a warm and much needed hug. This was what you craved after being gone for so long, but no matter how badly you wanted to let go and relax, every tiny sound you heard in the background had you tensing up involuntarily. You were still in fight or flight mode, and your stiffness didn't go unnoticed by Nobunaga at all. His fingers gently caressed the skin of your arms as he held you a little tighter, wishing to ease your disconcertment.

"Sorry. I know they're still looking for me, and it feels like they're close again." You sighed. "Every irregular sound matters to me."

"I know, but I can assure your safety with me here. Relax a little, pup. You're too tense." Nobunaga encouraged, bringing his hands up to massage your tense shoulders.

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