Ears (Werewolf! Nobunaga x GN Reader)

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Top! ??? (idk but its tooth rotting fluff)

Author: diaphanous_penumbra (on ao3)


To be honest, there was a lot to get used to when it came to dating a werewolf. A few months ago you would have fell over and laughed if someone told you that you would dating a literal wolf man. But here you were, sitting on the floor with of the living room with Nobunaga, wolf ears and tail out.

At first you were a little startled, seeing that you only either saw him in his human or wolf form - but not the in-between.

He quickly explained to you that when it got closer to a full moon, that even in the day time it was harder to maintain a solid human form. When you thought about it, it made some sense considering that this particular night would be a full moon. But that didn't exactly make the sight any less peculiar.

You couldn't help but let your gaze linger upon him. Unlike the other wolves in his pack that you met, Nobunaga's fur was much more sleek and silkier which matched how his hair appeared when he was human. Even now, with his ears and tail just looked so... soft. You had petted him plenty of times before in his wolf form, but something about this situation made the urge even more tempting.

"Y/N," Nobunaga chuckled, his cheeks flushed a light pink under your gaze. "You've been staring for awhile... is it that strange?"

It was your turn to blush, sheepish at how blatant your gawking had been. "I-It's not that.... I mean, it is a bit unusual to see you in this shape but.... it's not like I don't like it..."

"Oh that's good," he said, smiling as he always did when he was around you. "Though I have to say, I've been a bit lucky when it comes to this sort of thing... You should see what the others look like." His tone was amused, and his ears twitched to the side.

You noticed this, but decided not to remark on it. Instead you tilted your head in curiosity and asked, "Hm? What do you mean? You got me wondering now."

"Well, for example, Uvo gets more.... hairy, if that's even possible." Nobunaga stated with a snort. "Phinks's feet turn into paws and Feitan..." Nobunaga paused, lips tightly pursing together as he looked conflicted about whether or not he should divulge the following information.

"Feitan what?" You said. Now you were hooked on this conversation and you weren't going to let it go. "C'mon Nobu, pleaaaase! You cannot just start off and leave it off like that!" Giving your boyfriend the best pleading eyes you could give.

Nobunaga sighed, digging out his phone from his pocket. "It's best if I just show you," He said. Though he gave you a warning look. "Don't you ever tell Feitan I showed you this. Or else we'll both be dead,"

"My lips are sealed." You said, making a zipping motion with your fingers across your lips. "Now show me the goods."

Nobunaga sighed, opening his photo gallery. "No telling Feitan." He warned again, before handing his phone over to you.

You looked at the phone. Processing what you saw, you immediately started cackling. Feitan looked completely human except for his face. His nose and mouth were completely canine, and his wolf ears were poking out. "Oh my fucking god!" You cried, wiping jovial tears from your eyes. "He looks like that dog filter everybody uses! And he's sulking so hard!"

Nobunaga couldn't help but start laughing a bit with you. Your laughter to him was contagious. You spent the next couple minutes just giggling and wheezing as you looked through some other photos Nobu had of the other members in their half shifted forms.

After you both managed to calm yourselves down, you were snuggled up against him. That always how it was with Nobunaga. You two could have been on opposite sides of the room, but without realizing it you always ended up close together. Your head laid on his shoulder, you couldn't help but glance back up at his ears again.


"Yes dear?"

"Can I...." You hesitated "Can I pet your ears?"

He pouted. "What am I? Some sort of dog?" Then he broke out into his usual grin. "Just kidding, of course Y/N. I don't know why you needed to ask."

You weren't sure why you asked either. Nobunaga was always touchy, and always found an excuse to make contact with you, and that went for the reverse. He always wanted you making contact with him regardless of who was initiating it between the two of you. But you shrugged. "I don't know. I guess maybe since the situation was different, I just wanted to make sure."

Sitting up to get into a better position, you took in those ears again. They looked so velvety, and the way his hair flowed around them made them appear even softer. You reached out, and your fingers gingerly made contact with them. Just from that one touch you could feel the werewolf relax, leaning into your hands.

Deciding to experiment a little, you began to scratch behind his ears gently. His fur just felt so glossy between your fingers, a luxurious feeling which you didn't want to move away from. Glancing down, you saw that his eyes were closed, the furrow between his eyebrows smoothed out. He seemed to be enjoying this as much as you were.

You continued petting and scratching his ears, occasionally running your palms against his head. It really didn't feel that much different from when you stroked his wolf fur. Immediately you fell into the familiar feeling, completely in your own little zone of calm. You were so eased into the situation, you didn't even manage to catch yourself as out of your mouth you slipped, "Good boy~"

There was a dull thumping and you looked over Nobunaga's shoulder. Your eyes widened as you saw his tail wagging back and forth vigorously. A low rumble vibrated from Nobunaga's chest, nuzzling into your hands.

Then Nobunaga froze, and just from feeling his head you could feel the blush heating up his face. "Oh dear..." He muttered, placing his face in his hands and turning away from you. Ears flattening against his head.

Your heart tightened. Nobunaga might have been embarrassed, but you thought that his reaction was adorable.

"Awww Nobu..." You teased, wrapping your arms around his shoulder. "Babe, that was cute."

"No it wasn't." Nobunaga grumbled. "That was embarrassing."

"But you are a good boy!"

"Noooooo," he whined, only growing pinker by the minute. "Y/N please!"

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