Cнаpтёя Tнїятч-Tняёё

Start from the beginning

"A few more clothes won't hurt," I say.

I pull off my shirt and toss it to the side. She didn't have any clothes, but I had plenty to wear. I was having clothes come in the morning in her size.

I had some stuff arriving in a little bit, but less wear able for clothing to go out. I laid on the bed on my stomach so I can put my face in the pillow.

She gets onto the bed and slaps me on the back. It slightly stung, but not enough for me to slap her back or anything.

"Kaz," she whines.

"It's just clothes, stop whining. Put on one of your playlist and relax."

"Kazimir, why didn't you tell me."

I sighed and closed my eyes. I wasn't sleepy, but just not annoy her more thinking I went to sleep. When is this fucking order arriving? I'm giving it ten more minutes.

I hear her mumbling under her breath and moving about. She listened to me, I should get a reward for that.

I think installed LED lights in this place not by choice, but I don't know where the remote is or anything. I had my sister set this place up for me, she would stay here when she is Miami.

I wanted to sleep now since I was laying down, but I wasn't tired at all. I heard music from the other room and not from this one.

I didn't even realize she left the room. I opened my eyes and climbed out the bed. I walked to the living room and she pouring herself a glass of wine. She found the alcohol just wonderful.

"Want one?" She offers.


"Okay just means more for me," she smiles.

A knock comes from the door and she goes to get it. It was a lady speaking and was holding two bags in her hand.

"I think you have the wrong place," Aliyah says.

"Ignore her, I will take them."

I get the bags from the woman and she thanks me. She leaves and I close the door with my foot. I go to the bedroom and put them down.

I hear her following me and she probably has the wine bottle with her. I sit on the bed and she puts the bottle and glass on the dresser. She looked at the bags.

"What's this?" She asks.

"Try them on. I had them washed and everything before I had them brought. Try the first bag," I said.

This was going to be interesting. She raised her eyebrow at me and picked up both of the bags. She went into the closet and I waited.

"Kazimir this basically lingerie," she says.

"Just try one of them on and show me," I replied.

I reach for my phone further up on the bed and go on Instagram while I wait. She comes out and was wearing a plain black one. It was mostly lace, but it was boring.

"Why am I trying this on again?"

"Because I rarely get to see you in lingerie and Miami is just me and you baby."

She rolls her eyes at me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me little girl," I warn.

"I thought we got past that. Can I change back now?"

"No, find another one that is less boring."

She walks back into the closet and I wait until she comes back out. I just had these randomly picked out, so I didn't know what any of them looked like.

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