"Aditi...What's all this? Your dad is in a critical condition, and you are enjoying your friends. Is this the way to behave? Here Mili is struggling hard to make ends meet for our family. Can't you be of some help to us? And what is this new friendship with that unknown man?" Mom scowled at her.

"Stop lecturing me, mom. I know my limits, and I'm not like your precious Mili, who sleeps with men who have money. I have dignity, and I don't lie down for men to make money," she yelled at mom and smirked at me.

I looked around and saw that Aakash was inside the washroom, which was a relief to me..Or else he too would start hating me if he found out how I made money for dad's surgery. Her words made my heart bleed. I had sacrificed life and self-respect to save her as well, but she was leaving no stone in taunting me.

"Shut up, Aditi. Just watch your words before you spew them out at Mili. You can never be Mili. She saved your dad and our family from begging on the streets by paying her self-respect as the price. You have no right to taunt her like this, "mom scoffed.

"Whatever...But you are right, mom. I can never be Mili...for I'm not a slut like her. Anyways I'm bored. I'm going home," she said and stormed out of the room.

"Mili...I'm apologizing on her behalf...Don't you know how stubborn and headstrong she can be, right? Please forgive her...I will talk to her and make her understand," mom said, looking at me guiltily.

I was about to give her a piece of my heart when I saw Aakash coming out of the washroom.

"Aakash, have your breakfast," I said to him affectionately as he hugged me when he saw me.

"Mili Di, When will dad be like before?" he asked innocently.

"Soon, Aakash, don't worry. From tomorrow you should start going to school. I have made the necessary arrangement for you in the hostel, "I told, caressing his hair.

"But Di...How can I leave you alone?" he asked with tear-filled eyes. I felt happy hearing him. At least there is someone in this world who cares for me other than my dad.

"It's just a temporary arrangement, Aakash. When dad is shifted back to our home, I will bring you home. Now be a good boy and have your breakfast", I assured him and got up to leave for my job interview.

"Are you accepting his job offer?" Mom asked me again curiously.

"Who else will give a job to a woman with no degree. At least we will get to stay in our own home without the fear of being thrown out as long as I work for him, "I told her bitterly and walked out of the hospital room after saying goodbye to my little brother.

Aagney had ordered me to report at his office at 9 a.m sharp. It was already 8 in the morning, and I was getting late. I had to be there on time because I knew Aagney was waiting for a chance to make me miserable at any cost. And I don't want to leave any opportunity for him to question me.

I walked fast and reached the main road to look for a taxi or rickshaw, but it was rush hour, and in the chaos, I was careless and was shocked to find myself in the middle of the road. A loud horn sound startled me, and I saw a car was about to hit me. I stepped backward in confusion as the driver hit his breaks, and due to the sudden shock, I fell on the ground and hit my head. And within seconds, everything went black.

I fluttered open my eyes with difficulty to see a fan moving on the ceiling above me. My body was aching, my hands were bruised, and my head was bandaged. I found out that I was in a hospital bed and my first instinct was to find a clock and when I did I was devastated ...it was half-past ten...Aagney would burn me alive now because I missed the interview. I gulped, thinking of the consequences I would have to face now.

"Ms.Mythili...Were you deliberately trying to pull me into trouble by jumping in front of my car to die? "A voice startled me.

I looked around to see the owner of the familiar voice and gasped to see the person stare at me with contempt.

"You have successfully ruined my best friend. Now am I your next target? "he taunted me.

"I-I have an interview to attend, "I said, totally trying to avoid him. He was none other than Dr.Anirudh Madhav, Aagney's best friend who once considered me to be his sister.

"Wow...still so materialistic, aren't you, Ms. Mythili," he mocked."Anyways, your saline is over. I will drop you wherever you want".

"No thanks, I can manage, "I got up from the bed as he removed the cannula from my hand.

"Your accident was caused by me, Ms.Mythili.So you are my responsibility now. So come with me," he said sternly, and I yielded to him as I didn't have time or energy to argue with him.

He gave me my purse, and I frantically found my mobile and saw around fifty missed calls from Aagney. I pressed the call button, and Aagney answered the call at the very first ring.

"Wow ...Raman's princess found time to call me back. Where the hell are you?I'm not your butler to waste my time waiting for you.I want you here in 15 if you don't want me to destroy your family," he screamed at me through the phone.

"Aagney, I met with an accident and am currently at a hospital. I will be there soon, "I said calmly.

"What? Accident? Are you ok?"I felt like Aagney's voice was laced with concern for a moment.

"I am fine," I said softly, and soon his demeanor changed.

"Come to my office ASAP. I don't want any excuses from you," he said before hanging up the phone harshly.

"Will I ever earn Aagney's forgiveness?"I thought to myself with a heavy sigh.

"No...he will never forgive you or your family that easily...especially you, Mythili...You are the reason for his grief ...and your silence was the reason he tried to take his life when he came back from jail after three months long torture," Anirudh reminded me angrily as he read through me like an open book.

I stood there like a doll, unable to hide my guilt anymore...He was right...It was me who killed the old Aagney. I was his murderer...Now I shouldn't even dare to think of earning his forgiveness in this wretched life of mine.

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Aditi fans come here...I'm the first one...😈😈😈

Now a lot of readers switched to Aagney's side...My poor Mythili...🥺🥺🥺😝😝😝

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