7. The Boy Who Lived

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He shook his head.  "No.  I could never forget you."

Alaina felt herself blush.  Embarrassed, he gave him a nod and then turned and left the room.  Severus watched her leave.  His eyes never left her until the door clicked closed.  He sighed, kicking the covers off.  He feared today was going to be another long one.  He just knew it.

~ * ~

That fear was confirmed a few minutes later when he and Alaina, holding Harry safely in her arms, stepped out into the daylight.  Owls flew overhead for all to see.  There were a few Muggles who stopped to point at them up in the sky.  Witches and wizards were standing around in the streets in their robes, not bothering to hide themselves.

"What on Earth is going on?" Alaina asked Severus.

"I don't know," he answered.  He stared strangely at a pair of wizards whispering excitedly back and forth.  "These fools are going to expose us all."

"I think everybody's cracked."

She walked closer to Severus as they rounded the corner.  They disappaated a few seconds later, reappearing within seconds just outside the gates of Hogwarts.  Alaina had never seen anything so vast in all her life.  Harry stared at it in wonder, fascinated by the large wrought iron gate in front of him.  It wasn't long after they arrived that Argus Filch let them in.  The walked up to the entrance together and then Filch showed them inside.  Alaina snaked her arm around Severus's, overwhelmed by how big Hogwarts seemed to be just from the outside.  He glanced over at her for a second, but then turned away.

Severus lead her straight to the office and the gargoyle took them up to Dumbledore's office where Filch had told him the Headmaster would be waiting.  Alaina let go of his arm as they walked up to the door.  She was extremely apprehensive for some reason.

"Now you don't have to say anything," Severus told her.  "Not if you don't want to.  Albus will know what to do.  Don't worry about a thing."

Alaina nodded.  "Okay.  I'll try."

He raised his fist and knocked.

"Come in," a voice said on the other side.

Severus walked in, Alaina close on his heels.  Albus Dumbledore was standing by the window when the two of them arrived inside.  

Without even turning around he said, "I got your owl last night, Severus.  Or early this morning.  I was so relieved to hear you had the boy."  He turned to face them.  "He must have been frightened out of his wits-" he stopped and stared.  "Alaina?  Good lord.  I thought you were dead."

Alaina smiled.  "No sir.  Thanks to Severus I'm alive and well."

Dumbledore's eyes moved to the silent man beside of her.  He raised an eyebrow quizzically.

"I took her and Potter to my home, Albus," Severus explained.  "I couldn't leave them."

"Indeed."  Albus sighed.  "I'm just glad someone thought to check.  I just left the house myself this morning.  The Ministry of Magic is baffled about how it happened, but all the rumors circulating are true.  Voldemort is dead for the time being."

Alaina swallowed.  "For the time being?"

He nodded.  "I expect he will return sooner or later.  And when he does, Harry will be in great danger."

She glanced at her nephew fearfully.  She had already lost her sister and her brother-in-law.  She wasn't about to lose Harry, too.

Severus stepped forward.  "We came to you because we didn't quite know what to do with the baby."

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