The First Snowfall

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You nod. He looks outside. "Look," he whispers, pointing your joined hands towards the window.

"It's snowing!" you exclaim excitedly. Sasha smiles at your happiness.

You sit there snuggled in Sasha's embrace, just watching the snow fall with the hummingbirds flitting around the feeder. "Why do you love the snow?" he asks.

"It's not the snow that I love per se. It's the snow falling. It's the quiet time when it's snowing and it's magical. Everything feels like it's going to be alright. It's so calming and soothing. The snow falling I feel like everything is going to be okay and alright."

"I get it," Sasha responds, "It's almost like time stands still or freezes and you are just living in this moment. It's timeless."

"Exactly." You two snuggle in silence, watching the snow fall, your hands entangled over your stomach.

Sometime later, Sasha gasps and smiles in delight. "One of them is very active," he murmurs in your ear, his hand curving closer over your stomach. He moves his hand back and forth over your stomach and murmurs down to it, "Daddy's here little one, Daddy's here."

The dog at Sasha's feet yips softly. Sasha laughs and moves his hand to pet them. He pats them and scratches their ears, reassuringly. "You are loved too little pup. You are loved too."

The snow still fell from the sky. "The weather makes me feel like watching 'When Harry Met Sally...'"

Sasha laughs. "You really like that movie. What do you love about it?"

You shrug. "I just love movies that have New York as a backdrop. I have no idea why I love New York so much. When I go to Vancouver I get super happy. I don't know. All the hustle and bustle, the tall sky scrapers and the sea and the greenery and the people. It's just so magical and beautiful."

"It's like Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone 2: the toy store, the park, Times Square and the tree," Sasha adds.

"Yes," you agree. "Exactly that. It's just so enchanting."

"Shall I go get the movie?"

"No, it's okay. I can get it." Sasha holds his hand over your stomach, gently, "No, stay here, I'll get it."

You smile your thanks at him. He moves his hand up your stomach, to once again tangle it in your hair and gives you a kiss. He moves closer to you, to deepen the kiss.

Falling into the kiss, you revel in the moment. Sasha gasps and laughs, breaking the kiss and holding you close. "One of them kicked me in the stomach," he explains. You laugh into his shoulder, holding him close.

"I love you, darlin'," he whispers into your ear, nipping it.

"I love you."

You both watch the snow falling for a few more moments in silence.

"I'm going to go get the movie, relax, I'll be back in a few," Sasha tells you.

"Alright." He moves away, kissing your nose, then bundling the blankets around you.

The cat glares at him and leaps off the bed. The dog rolls their eyes, and resettles themselves.

You smile at Sasha, watching his form as he leaves the bedroom. You snuggle down further into the blanket, petting the dog, and watching the snow as it continues to fall.

Sometime later, Sasha walks in. Keeping your eyes on the scene in the window, "You know, you could have just asked me where I kept the Christmas movies."

"And spoil the surprise?" Sasha returns.

You glance over at him. He's carrying a breakfast tray, the movie in the corner of the breakfast tray. "Aww you made breakfast!" you smile brilliantly at him.

He winks at you. "Anything for you, darlin'."

You glance over at the tray, "What did you make me?"

Sasha grins over at you slyly, "Just all of your favourites."

You look over the offerings set out on the tray and smile and then notice a few others. "Hey, you know I don't like these!"

Picking up the offending offering, "But I do," then pops it in his mouth and chews and swallows it. Then he kisses you. You pretend to gag and push him away.

"Thank you for making breakfast and making my favourites."

He laughs and grins at you. "Love you."

"Love you, too."

He moves away and grabs the movie. He opens the case and pops it into the player, turning the TV on and setting up the console.

He returns to your side, with the remote. "You ready?"

You nod. He hits play and snuggles close to you. He grabs some food off the tray and feeds it to you. You accept it and grin at him. He rubs your stomach. You reach for some food off the tray and feed it to him.

You both snuggle together to watch the movie. The dog snores softly at the end of the bed. Intermittently you feed each other at intervals, while the snow falls softly outside the window.

"Thanks for making breakfast. I love you," you mention a bit later, after you two have demolished the food on the tray.

"You're welcome. Love you, too."

Sasha moves the empty food tray to the bedside table, and moves under the blanket, adjusting you to snuggle and rest on his chest. You both continue to watch the movie, hands entwined, bodies entangled.

"Happy first snowfall day of the year, darlin'. I love you so much."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2021 ⏰

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