His Wrath

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"How dare you."

Blue orbs of cobalt mixed with sapphire glare at the adults in the conference room, hair of raven with ombre blue glow.

Tensei Iida sat firm and regal in his wheelchair, though still weak and disabled he still held the posture of a hero, a fallen warrior who was still deadly despite his crippled state.

"How dare you do this."

Tensei's voice that held soft warmth spat with clear disdain, what used to be respect and friendly conversation was replaced by disgust and betrayal, why you ask? Ask the one who Tensei's wrath is being directed at.

Narrowed obsidian eyes narrowed on the once hero.

"It was needed, Iida."


Tensei laughed dryly "You suspended my brother and those other two boys and for what? Because they took down the Hero Killer? Do you know the stupidity of your actions, Aizawa?"

The rugged looking hero stared at his old classmate, lips pulled in a tight scowl.

"I suspended them because they engaged in confrontation with the Hero Killer, it has nothing to do with taking him down, they had no business with him period."

"Even so, expulsion? Seriously? You'd get rid of three future heroes for engaging against a villain when that was the entire point of their internship lessons? What, you're gonna act like their actions were against protocol? Bullshit."

"Please refrain from using such language, young Iida."

Tensei's glare shot towards the buff muscle that is All Might. "I am not a  student I can curse all the fuck I want, and I sure as hell won't be listening to the man who should've been there during the Hero Killer's rampage instead of looking pretty for the press." he addressed the symbol of golden blonde locks, electric blue eyes and spandex.

The smile stretched on All Might's face twitched looking less forced. "I assure you I wasn't looking pretty as you call it."

"Right, your ass just didn't show up when those boys and my brother needed your help against Hero Killer."

All Might flinched slightly at the sharp quip of Tensei's tone, he wasn't the only one though, another blonde seemed to be trembling in his boots at the raven's rare ire.


Midnight's sensual but soft voice addresses, midnight eyes softened.

"I know the news of your brother's expulsion mixed with your unfortunate retirement is still raw, but please you mustn't act out, you are still Engineum." Said in a soft voice trying to calm Iida down,


"Excuse me?" Midnight blinked, Tensei smiled "Was, past tense. My brother Tenya took on the name and is now the new Engineum. At least he was until you uppity favorable bastards stripped him of that honor."

The man's smile dropped just as quick as it came, eyes narrowed.

"If anyone's to blame for your brother's expulsion is you."

"What did you say?"

Tensei turned to the raging inferno of red hair and turquoise eyes "You wanna run that by me again Endeavor, I'm afraid I didn't quite catch that."

The redhead sneered "I said that you're the one to blame for the brat's actions, had you been stronger, had you not been taken down by the Hero Killer, maybe your brother wouldn't have to feel embarrassed to have a cripple for a sibling."

A commotion of protest and gasps emitted all over from the heroes and police.


"That's going too far, even for you Todoroki!"

"Don't you think you're pushing it, Todoroki?"

The voices all voiced out hounding the flame hero who stood, unapologetic, not bothered at all by the backlash of his comrades, just a man who said what he said and cared not for the results.

"Apologize now, Endeavor."

Detective Naomasa drawled, brown eyes narrowed and assertive.

"I don't see why I should."

"Endeavor, you just stated something that was uncalled for and highly insensitive towards Iida and his brother. I advise you to apologize." Naomasa tried again, voice serious, tired, slightly pleading.

Again Endeavor huffed, chest raised and head up like a prideful bastard.

"I won't take back my earlier statement, it is what I've said."

"That's funny coming from an abusive prick whose son got expelled too."

"What did you say?"

Enji's eyes darkened, less turquoise now dull as he stared Tensei down.

"Did I stutter?"

"Iida refrain from provoking!"

"What? I'm just telling it like it is, isn't that right Todoroki? My brother fucks up, your son follows."

He smirked, "Guess your son isn't as perfectly obedient as you want him to be."

"Tread lightly Iida. Your next words will determine your fate"

Enji gritted, hands clenched to his sides shaking with rage, teeth gnashed in a nasty snarl, eyes ablaze with unadulterated hate.

Tensei's smirk grew feral, unhinged.

"From the mouth of the abuser himself, what? Gonna throw me in a mental cell like you did your wife?" he snorted at the flinch Endeavor tried hiding. "You don't scare me Enji Todoroki, you're all bark and no bite. The only thing you can do is bend over like the power hungry bitch you are and suck your employers cocks just to be where you're at now."

"You little–"

"Oh and while we're at it, let me remind you that I know about your marriage, you forget how close I was with Fumi, Natsu and To."

"What was that? What about Todoroki's marriage?" Naomasa asked, eyes held interest and curiosity as did Aizawa and a few other heroes who caught on to Tensei's words.

"I thought Endeavor's wife was sent to a hospital because she was insane."

A plump blonde whispered to someone dressed in a wood-ninja costume.

"I heard it was because she and Endeavor lost their eldest son in a fire."

Another person–a gray haired large man and towering, whispered amongst the group.

"Iida, what do you mean by you know about Endeavor's marriage?"

There it is, the subtle widening of Enji's eyes that said it all, that trace of fear that the number 2 rarely shows, that  ounce of vulnerability of having everything taken away, Tensei relished in it, he liked having that power.

And he didn't care.

Tensei doesn't tell them anything. Not yet, it wasn't time to expose the flame asshole, after all he just needed to put a muzzle on the brute to get his point across.

He'll worry about ruining Endeavor's career after telling the others off, after all they crossed a line when they unfairly decided to expel three upcoming heroes.

And he won't have that.

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