Pokémon Emergency!

Start from the beginning

The tense silence was ripped apart by an ear-splitting alarm.
"What the-," Misty began, but Ari noticed something Misty didn't, and tackled Misty out of harm's way as glass showered down. Two Poké Balls crashed through the sunroof, releasing a duo of purple Pokémon: the snake-like Ekans and the Posion Gas Pokémon, Koffing, who began to emit plumes of vile smoke.
A trio of individuals landed behind the Pokémon. One was a woman with rigid dark pink hair and shiny lips, her partner a man with periwinkle hair, and venom green eyes who, for some curious reason, held a rose in one hand. They were in their mid-twenties, and wore black gloves with white garments embellished with a stylised 'R'. Between them was a Meowth on his hind legs, adorning an evil glower.
Ari reaclled Officer Jenny's warning about Pokémon thieves in Viridian City. A Pokémon Center would be easy pickings, with the many injured, defenseless Pokémon.
Ari helped Misty up before drawing herself to full height. "Just who do you creeps think you are?"
The humans and the Meowth sniggered as if sharing an inside joke.
"Don't worry, little girl," mocked the woman.
"Allow us to introduce ourselves," continued the man, with a short bow.
The woman recited, "To protect the world from devastation."
"To unite all peoples within our nation," said the man.
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above!"
"Jessie," introduced the woman.
"James," the man followed.
"Teams Rocket blasts off at the speed of light."
"Surrender now, or prepare to fight."
The Meowth winked, then opened his mouth and declared, "Meowth, that's right!"
Misty shrieked. "That Meowth can talk!"
"What do you lot want?" Ari ignored her disbelief.
James smirked. "We're here for the Pokémon."
"You're not laying a filthy finger on my Eevee," Ari snarled.
"We're not interested," dismissed Jessie.
"We only want valuble Pokémon," James added.
The door flew open. Nurse Joy burst in, cradling Eevee. "You're wasting your time!" She warned, having clearly heard much of the exchange. "This Center is for weak and injured Pokémon."
"We might just find a few Pokémon gems among the junk," Jessie commented.
Ari blew a fuse. "How dare you call the Pokémon treated here JUNK!" She would've launched herself at Jessie if not restrained by Misty.
James grew bored of the exchange. "Koffing, attack!"
"Go, Ekans!" said Jessie.
The Posion-types lunged.

Ari was ready. She rolled backwards, then pulled Misty away from Ekan's tail.
Meowth advanced, his claws gleaming as he prepared a Fury Swipes. "I'll take you all down!"
"A talking Meowth?" Nurse Joy was astonished.
Ari grinned smugly. "Don't worry, I'll shut him up."
Without hesitation, she punched Meowth in the jaw, before fleeing the room with Nurse Joy and Misty.
Ekans and Koffing pursued their prey. Nurse Joy led the group into a small storage room. Inside, it was dark and cramped.
"They must have cut the power," said Joy. "But we have our own power source."
Opening the door a crack, Ari saw a collection of small, yellow Pokémon holding each other's tails travelling through the corridor.
She used her Pokédex. Pikachu, the Mouse Pokémon. An Electric-type. When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.
The light of the Pikachu passing by stirred Eevee awake. Eevee crawled to Ari and nuzzled against her.
"We have to go back out there," Ari said.
"You never think anything through, do you?" Mithered Misty. "Eevee's in no condition to Battle."
Joy nodded in agreement.
Ari's expression was smoldering. "Maybe not - but we've got to try. Team Rocket can't get away with those Pokémon. I won't let them." She lowered her gaze to her Pokémon. "Our journey together's only just begun, Eevee, but we already have each other's backs. We've seen an unknown Pokémon, escaped a flock of Spearow, and destroyed a stolen bike." Ari hid her amusment at Misty's growl. "We're a team - I decided that years ago."
Eevee focused on her Trainer for a long moment; the memory clicked. She expressed her gratitude with a joyful, "Vee!"
"So you do remember," Ari laughed. "We've escaped plenty of tough spots already. How do you feel about adding trouncing Pokémon thieves to the list?"
Eevee voiced her approval. "Eevee!"

When they exited the storage room, Team Rocket were already outside, loading stolen Pokéballs onto a balloon modelled after Meowth's face.
"Stop right there!" Ari demanded. Eevee sank into a fighting stance.
Jessie, James, and Meowth cackled.
"You're the one who should stop, twerp," Jessie stated.
"Nobody calls me twerp and gets away with it!" Said Ari. "Eevee, use Tackle!"
Eevee launched herself at the balloon, but was intercepted by James's Koffing, who absorbed the blow. Both Ekans and Koffing closed in on Eevee.
Misty drew her own Poké Ball. "Try this!" The Poké Ball released a common Magikarp, flopping pathetically on the floor.
Meowth failed to contain himself, collapsing from laughter.
Ekans and Koffing defeated Magikarp in seconds, but the distraction meant they were completely unprepared for Eevee's Swift. Team Rocket's Pokémon hurled into the balloon. Koffing's gas met the warm air, causing an explosive reaction that blasted Team Rocket into the sky.
Ari could hear their shouts.
"That Eevee is no ordinary Eevee!" Said Meowth.
"Let's catch it!" Jessie decided.
The trio became specks, then shrank into nothing.

The next morning, Ari was relieved to hear that Joy had gathered up every stolen Poké Ball, and the Pokémon Center was due to be repaired.
Nurse Joy returned Misty's healed Magikarp. "You're heading to Pewter City, right, Ari?"
"Absolutely," Ari confirmed. "There's a Pokémon Gym there. If I can beat it, I'll be a step closer to the Pokémon League, and becoming a Pokémon Master!" She would've challenged the Viridian Gym, but had discovered it was closed.
Eevee, settled on Ari's head, echoed her Trainer's determination.
"You think you can defeat a Gym Leader?" Misty asked. "You're still a rookie."
"You're talking to the girl who saved this entire city from Team Rocket," Ari bragged.
"Anybody who punches a talking Meowth is ok in my book," Misty confessed, "but that doesn't change what you did to my bike, and I'm not going to leave you alone until you settle what you owe!"
Ari was frightened by Misty's stubborness, but saw no way out. "I guess I can live with that. You were pretty helpful yesterday." Misty blushed slightly. "Next stop, Viridian Forest."
As they departed the Pokémon Center, Joy caught Ari's eye and mouthed, I'll see what I can do about the bike.

Ari, Eevee, and Misty had barely entered the lushious Viridian Forest when Misty shrieked.
"What's wrong?" Ari asked.
Misty, extremely pale, pointed at something small and green she had almost stepped on. "BUG!"
As Misty backed away, Ari saw her companion's terror had been inspired by a mere Caterpie, who regarded them curiously. Ari supposed that it had never expected anybody to be afraid of it, being a small, weak Pokémon.
Which meant it would be an easy Catch.
"Caterpie, come on!" Ari threw the empty Poké Ball with all her might.

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