I rock into her, using her body to find my own pleasure while she uses mine to find hers. She closes her eyes and keeps her jaw gaped open, breathing out instead of moaning. Her hands went to my shoulder which she dug her nails in and dragged them down my back again, breaking the skin.

I moan and screw my eyes shut, feeling a burn when she runs her hands up them again. I pant and slam my hips into hers. I felt it in my balls, it was coming up quick and she was clenching so hard around me meaning she was close to. "C-Cum with me," I pant which she nods to with her lips parted and eyes feathered shut.

It didn't take long before we were both coming in each other. I cum in her in spurts, my body freezing inside her while she arches her back into me, screaming out my name. We both fall limp after that, I felt tired all over again.

"W-Well," I clear my throat. "Good morning to you too," I pull out and kiss her a few times.

"Y-You need to go back to condoms," she pants.

"Why?" I ask. I never liked condoms because of the discomfort I have with them but I didn't want to knock anyone up so...I always used them until Abby.

"Cause I can't keep peeing to stop myself from getting a UTI or a STD, and it's messy," she lifts the covers up to see a mix her of cum and mine running down her leg.

"Then I'll have to buy some," I nod. "I already told you I was clean, I've been clean my whole life,"

"No I know, just to be safe," she nods. "Get the lubricated latex ones," she stands up and wipes her hand up her thighs, cupping her core to collect any more dripage of our confines. She waddles to the bathroom and closes the door behind her to clean up.

Eleanor Calder
A small but gorgeous man stands 20 metres from Taylor and I. He was in jeans in a grey shirt, high tops on his feet. His piercing blue eyes meet with mine and butterflies fill my stomach.

"El," he smiles, walking up to us. I grab my suitcase handle and stride over to him in my sweatpants and hoodie.

"Louis," I smile, putting my bags down and give him a small hug considering I haven't seen him in so long.

"You look different," he looks at my outfit, I bite my lip, hoping he means that in a good way but his eyes widen when he see this. "In a good way, you look good," he smiles, assuring me which makes me blush.

"Where's Harry?" Taylor asks.

"Back at the hotel," he shrugs.

"Ugh, why isn't he here?" she crosses her arms.

"I ask myself the same," he shrugs. "Come on, there's some people I want you to meet," he takes my suitcase handle, pulling it along, then taking Taylor's.


He drives us back to the hotel, taking our bags out the trunk again. I fold my lips in a line when he pulls us inside, bring us in the elevator to the 10th floor. "You're sharing a room with me and Tay, you're with Harry which I will show you in just a moment," he says to us as he unlocks the door to his room.

A big white bed with two lamps on the bedside tables light the room up, a glass table near the opposite side of the room, a bathroom door in the middle of the other wall. I gasp and walk in, my suitcase in the middle of the room.

"Have a look around and I will show you where to go Tay," he smiles, leaving me alone in the room. I hear him talking to her as she wheels her stuff down the hall and Louis knocking on the door. A squeal of laughter and a sound of running down the hall comes my way.

"Niall no!" a girl squeals, arching herself sideways to stop Niall from poking her. I spin around and see Niall trying to poke her and her dodging it with them both laughing. He goes up behind her and puts his hands on her stomach making her hunch over which brings him with her.

He meets eyes with me and widens them. "Fuck," he whispers, pulling her back up so she also meets eyes with me. Niall grins at me while the girl I've never seen before widens her eyes at me. "You must be Eleanor!" she gasps, leaping forward.

"That's me," I notice her bulging stomach. "And you're pregnant?" I furrow my brows.

"Uh yes," she nods. "His twins," she points back to Niall.

"Twins?" I widen my eyes.

"Yep," she nods.

"How far are you?" I ask.

"14 weeks?" she shrugs.

"Ah, I see you've met Abby," Louis comes back. "You have someone to talk to that is a girl and isn't Taylor," he jabs me softly.

"Yeah, but I didn't know she was pregnant," I look at her bump again.

"You don't check Niall's instagram?" Lou asks.

"No," I shake my head.

"Oh, that's probably why you haven't heard but we went public a while ago," Niall says, Abby nodding. She smiles back at Niall, squeals and runs out the room to which Niall chases after her.

"She seems happy," I smile to Louis.

"Ever since Monday she has been," he chuckles.

taylor's gon be clingy in this and eleanor's not, i don't hate taylor AT ALL but I just need that kind of character for my book and she kinda seems like the clingy type, my opinion.

also, i knwo louis and eleanor aren't cute and are VERY forced but i need them to be cute in my book to so :)

the accident || n.h ✔حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن