Taylor nodded.

"What kind of feelings are they?" She asked the girl curiously.

"Hurt, heart ache, I just feel shit. He was my first everything, you know?" She explained. Taylor nodded once again.

"Listen, I know Hayes is literally my fiancé's brother...but he was an asshole to you towards the end of your relationship and he knows it too. You deserve so much better than that. And you'll find so much better than that. You just gotta wait for the right guy to come along" she told her. Taylor always admired Dee, she thought she was the nicest girl she had ever met with not a bad bone in her body, she was gutted when she heard that her and Hayes broke up.

"Thanks Taylor" Dee smiled towards the girl.

"Anytime, now get ready! Elizabeth said we're going ice skating later!" Taylor spoke excitedly.

"Okay, I enjoy ice skating" Dee laughed standing up, heading for her wardrobe to decide what to wear.

"Help me choose" Dee waved her hand, signalling for Taylor to come over and help.

Whilst the girls were sorting their ice skating outfits, the boys were in the living room playing on the x box.

"So are you gonna talk to Dee?" Nash asked his little brother who was sat beside him.

"I dunno bro, not right now I'm not. I don't wanna ruin the evening mom has planned for us all, but I might later on tonight or in the next few days" Hayes explained.

"Just don't fuck up this time" Tez advised, staring at the screen as he watched the game they were playing.

"Gee thanks, I never would've thought of that!" Hayes retorted sarcastically.

"Yo is Judah coming ice skating?" Tez questioned curiously, changing the subject.

"Yeah, his flight got delayed a little but he said he's meeting us there" Hayes explained.

"Who's Judah?" A voice called from the stairs. It was Dee. Her and Taylor had just walked down the stairs after getting ready for ice skating. Hayes stared at her for a moment, blown away by how she looked. She looked amazing. He was snapped back into reality when Nash nudged his elbow in his rib.

"Oh, he's a friend of ours. He's coming for thanksgiving because his family are away. He's been in a few movies so you might recognise him" Hayes explained, looking over at his game a few times too.

"Fair" Dee shrugged before heading towards Malakai who was with Elizabeth with Taylor.

Time passed by and they were all finally at the ice skating rink. It was decorated amazingly. There were fairy lights hung up everywhere and Christmas music was playing out loud to get everyone in the spirit.

Dee sat herself beside Nash as she put her shoes on and watched ahead of her as Hayes and Tez greeted a brunette haired boy who had just walked in.

"I'm guessing that's Judah?" Dee questioned, looking at Nash who was struggling with his show.

"Yeah" he said, making a face as he squished his foot into the shoe.

"Are you good there?" Dee started laughing at him.

"Shut up" Nash chuckled, feeling slightly embarrassed. Dee stood up and helped Nash get up before walking with him and Taylor towards the rest of the group.

Elizabeth wasn't going on the ice, she decided to be the one who would stay with Malakai and watch us all at the sides.

"Judah, this is Dee. Dee, this is Judah, he'll be joining us for thanksgiving" Taylor introduced us because she knew Hayes wouldn't.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you" Dee beamed at him.

"No way, you're British?!" He gushed at her, surprised at the accent.

"Yeah" Dee laughed, blushing slightly.

"That's so cool, I love British accents" he chuckled down at her. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. He already knew who Dee was, he knew she dated Hayes and that they broke up about 6 months ago. Tez gave him the run down because Hayes didn't want to. He couldn't understand how Hayes could let her go so easily.

"Okay let's gooo!" Hayes interrupted, ushering everyone out on to the ice. Dee rolled her eyes at the boy and followed the group.

"Have you ever skated before?" Judah questioned the girl as he walked beside her.

"Maybe a little..." she smirked. He raised his eyebrows at her.

"Nah the look on your face is telling me you're some kind of professional or some shit like that" he laughed. Dee laughed with him and shrugged.

"You'll just have to wait and see" she beamed.

They reached the ice and stepped on to it one by one. First went Taylor, then Nash (who instantly fell over but grabbed the side to pull himself back up), then Tez (who was embarrassingly bad), then Hayes, then Skylynn, then Johnnie (Hayes and Nash's stepdad), then Judah and then finally, Dee.

Dee glided on to the ice and over took everyone. When she had space, she took the opportunity to do a few tricks. She done an arabesque before jumping and spinning in that position and then doing a triple turn to the ground and back up on the ice.

"What the fuck!" Nash yelled, looking over at her from far away.

"Show off!" Taylor yelled jokingly.

Dee laughed and continued with some tricks. Judah watched her in awe. He was amazed by this girl. There was something about her that he couldn't get over. He wanted to continue staring at her for ages, but didn't want to look like a creep. So instead he skated over towards her.

"Not bad, Dee" he smiled at her. Her cheeks filled with a rosie pink colour before thanking him.

"You don't seem too bad yourself, you don't need to hold the sides to skate over to me at speed unlike these idiots" she laughed, pointing at the rest of the group who were still struggling to even stay up right.

"Yeah I've been skating a few times, so I can balance and move my feet enough to look like I know what I'm doing" he laughed with the girl.

"That's all it takes really" Dee chuckled. The pair started skating around the rink together, forgetting that everyone else was there.

"So how do you know the guys then?" Dee questioned curiously.

"Oh we met out in LA. Some of their buddies are friends with some of mine so we met through mutual friends. I'm only here cos my family are away for thanksgiving giving so Hayes and Tez offered me to come here with them" Judah explained.

"That makes sense, no one should spend thanksgiving alone...I mean, I never started celebrating thanksgiving until two years ago but from what I've gathered, you should never be alone on this holiday" she laughed softly.

"Oh of course! You guys don't celebrate this kind of stuff in England do you?" He questioned.

"Nope" Dee confirmed.

"That's just crazy to me" Judah spoke in disbelief.

"So how long are you here for?" Dee asked him.

"Three weeks" he told her. She smiled and nodded.


The two continued to skate around together for the rest of their time on the ice. Elizabeth was watching them closely and smiled warmly. She knew they were getting along like a house on fire. Even though Hayes is her son, she has only ever wanted Dee to be happy, and right now, she's looked the happiest she's been in 6 months.

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