Chapter 18

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This chapter includes:

• Violence
• Mentions of blood

Please read at your own risk! Thank you!


Skid was in his pajamas and lays on his bed...

He then heard his phone ring. The boy picks it up and asks " H-Hello?... It's midnight-... oh!... i should meet you in the woods?... okay... i'll see you there... ".


He instantly landed on the grass and started looking for Pump...

" Pump!... Pump!... You here? "



Maybe he should go further...

As he walked, a few dark figures walks right past him. The incubus rubs his eyes and saw nothing...

He is kinda tired, so he was probably seeing things-

" AAAH!... FUCK! "

Oh shit was that?

Skid immediately ran towards the sound, but had to hide behind a tree once he saw that Pump wasn't alone...

... no..

No no no no that can't be...

It's those fucking kids...

" Is that really you, Pablo? I thought you were someone else and was wearing a costume. " The boy asked
" I-It is a costume! "
" Then why so nervous? "

The older one didn't believe this. How did he not know about this? Why are they even here?

Skid growls as he scratched the tree with his bare claws. He stopped when one of them noticed the noise.


Yea that's it.

When the girl took few steps towards the tree, she was ambushed. The girl screamed as Skid clawed her face...


The boy was thrown to the ground and tries to get up " L-Leave my P-Pump a-alone... ". The girl slowly walked over to him with a knife...

No... not again-

" ¡APÁRTESE DE ÉL, GRACIA! " Pump exclaimed

He then summon a vine which immediately kept her on the grass " What did he even s-say?! What is this?! L-Let me go! " Grace replies and tries to squirm her way out.

Skid got up and went after the boy " THIS IS WHAT YOU GET! ". He started beating him up and didn't noticed the blood on his hands.

This kid gets what he deserves...

He shouldn't be so surprised... he messed with Skid, so karma can finally bite his ass...

This energy felt so fucking right...

He started to laugh so loudly that the dullahan didn't know how to react. The incubus slowly stopped once he saw his hands...



He then plunged his hand into Jack's chest making his scream from the pain. It caused a hole and Skid pulls out the heart. He then squeezed it...

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