Chapter 10

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Skid groans as he reaches for his alarm clock. He presses the snooze button and slowly opened his eyes. He didn't want to get up, but it's what he gets for staying out so late.

He finally got his feet on the cold ground and puts on his black slippers. Skid walks to the the mirror and gets a good at himself...


He's a mess...

Heh... that's okay. He's always like this during the morning. Skid yawns as he exits his room. He walked downstairs and instantly smelled the food...


Eggs... bacon... pancakes...

He walks to the kitchen and found his Mother cooking " Mom? ". Lila gets a tight grip on the pan and turns to Skid " Don't scare your Mom next time! I could have accidentally flip this pancake to the ceiling. ". Skid chuckles and asks " What's for breakfast? "

" Chocolate chip pancakes! I'm just having eggs and bacon for today. "

The boy sits on the chair as he waited for his breakfast to be done.


He went back to his room with a full tummy. Skid licks his lips and ended up burping...

That was great...

He grabs his phone and realize that he forgot to call Pump. As he quickly searched through the contacts, the young one sat on his bed.

Skid finally found Pump's phone number and called him. He then heard a voice " Pump? Sorry, i forgot to call you... w-what's wrong?... Pump, calm down... it's okay... do you want me to come over? Will that make you feel better?... okay... should i come over now? ".

He looks at the time. It was close to 11 and he wasn't sure if now would be the time to go. Skid then heard his lover's voice " I can go by... 2?... Okay... see you soon... don't worry i will... love you... bye... ". Skid hung up and lays down on the bed.

He just found out that Pump had a nightmare. Skid wants to be there for him, but he has to wait...

2:00 pm...

Skid takes off the shirt and slippers...

He then puts a white shirt, black shorts, and finally puts his costume on. Skid brushes his short hair and puts on the mask. He double checks himself at the mirror and nodded before grabbing his phone.

He walks downstairs and said " Mom! I'm going to see Pump! "

" Okay! Be back soon! "
" I will! "

He opens his front door and took a look of his surroundings...

Some kids were playing tag, some were talking to one another, and some were getting ice cream from Frank. He sighs as he walked out and closed the door.

As he walked, he tap the " Gallery " app on his phone and looked at the pictures that were in his phone. He smiled as one of the pictures had Pump somehow getting stuck at the couch.

He then bumped into someone. Skid looked up to see Roy. He was going to back away until the teen instantly ran off without a single word.


The fuck was that about-...


He shook his head and kept walking. He should have got his AirPods, but it's too late for that...

Spooky Curse Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora