Chapter 1

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Pump puts on on a white tank top, a dark green sweater, and dark blue shorts...

It's been... 3 days since the incident...

His parents did give him a lecture, but still loved him no matter what. Pump looks at himself at the mirror. He had an actual pumpkin head and his body was mostly orange except his legs, which had an forest green color.

There was no point in having a costume... at least for now until this curse is gone.

He grabs his phone and looks for Skid's number. He calls it and sits on his bed. He could hear someone pick up...

" Skid?... Yea it's me... i needed sometime alone... i wanna hang out today... "

He could Skid questioning it and responded with " I... I know... don't worry... the woods?... okay... i love you... bye. ". He hangs up and puts the phone in his pocket.

He left his room and walked downstairs.


He walked alone in the woods and heard someone crying...

It sounded oddly familiar...

" Skid? "

He kept walking and follow the sound. It got louder once he got near and found him sitting on a rather large rock.

His hair was longer and beautiful. His incubus form must have appeared earlier and Pump touches his shoulder. Skid turns around and almost fell off.

" P-Pump? "
" I heard you crying. Who made you cry? "
" N-No one... i'm just scared... "

Pump pulls him into a hug " Are you comfortable talking about it right now? ". The older one nods and replies " Yes... ".


" What if everyone finds out i'm an incubus? "
" ... They aren't. "
" ... "

Skid still had some doubts as they walked through the woods. He looked at his tank top and tights...

He was also barefoot, but he could heal himself if he got himself hurt-


What was that?

Pump stopped and looked around. He tells Skid to get behind him and looked towards a bush that moved a little. A little white bunny jumps out and hopped right past them...

" False alarm it was just a bunny. You okay Skid? "
" Uh huh. Let's just keep going. "

They kept walking and Pump said " Skid... if anything were to happen to us... if we were in danger... we're running away. ".

Is Pump fucking crazy?

" W-What?! But what about your parents? Or your sister?- "
" I'm not letting them in this mess and neither is your Mom... "

Skid sighs. They stopped near a tree and the younger one sat down. Skid sits down next to him and puts his head on Pump's chest

" Skid? "
" Hm? "
" Did that lady say anything about getting rid of this curse? "
" Hmm... nope. "

Pump groans " Are you kidding me right now? ". Skid felt ashamed and looked away...

" It's not you, Skid. I just... really don't like this. "

Skid holds his lover's sleeve " We'll figure it out somehow. Until then... let's just deal with it. Maybe we can get through this... ". Pump kisses Skid's forehead and replies with " Yea... we'll figure it out... together... "


Sorry if it's short-

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