Cнаpтёя Tнїятч

Start from the beginning

"At least you know. Do you wanna at least come in? I feel bad your standing out here," I say.

"It's your choice to let me in. I listen to you boss lady."

I opened the door wider to let him. He comes in and he looks down at me. He immediately looks away when he realizes I'm half naked. I put my loud down on the counter.

"Boss lady, he would kill me if he knew you didn't have clothes on right now," he states.

"He isn't here right now, but imma go put on a robe," I said.

I skipped off to my room and searched for one of my robes. I moved the clothes over and remembered. I removed the floorboard.

The phone and the cash was still there. I got the phone and tried to turn it on, but it was dead. I'm going to need to charge it.

I get the phone and fix the floorboard. I look for the charger and put it on charge. I get my robe and close my door.

The microwave was finished and I took my food out. The aromatic smell of pasta fills my nose. I have another dish I can eat, but lemme make sure Mikhail is all good.

"Here you can eat the pasta, it taste really nice," I said.

"I'm good, I can eat after I rotate with Leo."

"No, eat now. You're watching me, so I'm taking care of you."

"It's not needed boss lady," he refuses.

"Mikhail, Sit and eat. I made that with Kazimir and it's not everyday you try that asshole's food," I mention.

"Fine, make sure you eat as well."

"I'm about to. Let me roll my zoot first," I said.

I get my rolling tray for the coffee table. I had cleaned it before I left unexpectedly, I had brand new rolling paper as well.

I sat down next to Mikhail and took out a cigarette from the box. Mikhail passed me the baggie and I took out a bud.

I put some in my grinder. I ripped a bit off the cig and added it to my grinder. I closed it and started to grind it.

"I shouldn't be letting you smoke," Mikhail comments.

"Why not?" I question.

I checked my grinder and kept grinding.

"Boss said so, but knowing you. You would have complained, so I came prepared," he smirks.

"I don't know why he's bitching now, but what do you think of the food?"

"Really good if I'm being honest," he nods.

"I like the sound of that."

I got my rizz and made a roach. I started billing my zoot and was relaxed knowing I was about to smoke.

I made sure everything was sealed and smoothed it out. I tapped it down and put it in my mouth. I got my lighter and burned it away.

I got up and took a pull. Mikhail started to watch some Russian show and I didn't mind. There was no reason for him to be here anyways.

I got the other pasta and heated it up. I took more pulls and slowly feel my buzz coming in. I turned on the sink then ashed my zoot.

I don't know where my ash tray was. I walked to the coffee table and my tray wasn't there. Maybe it was in my room.

I went to my room and it was on my nightstand. I checked on the phone and it had small amount of charge.

I get my tray and go to the kitchen.

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