Chapter 16: Freedom

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Marinette had the most beautiful wedding any girl could ever dream of; they got married two weeks after their engagement. They got a small wedding with only friends and family. She had the most wonderful dress ever! They had no honeymoon because of Marinette's pregnancy but stayed at home for three weeks enjoying each other's company and going to the places they liked in Paris.

"One morning"

Marinette and Adrien have been sleeping face to face. When Adrien woke up, he felt some tickling near his neck and realized that Marinette was kissing him.

-Good morning! She said

-Good morning. He said bringing her closer to him.

-I have a surprise for you. As she sat up.

-What is it? Sitting up too.

Marinette took Adrien's hand and placed it over her mommy belly and he felt a kick!

-Oh my god! It's a kick! The baby kicked!


And Adrien kissed her passionately.

Later on, Marinette and Adrien went to meet Adrien's mother for coffee. She seemed sad and miserable. She didn't talk much and sometimes only nodded. Marinette couldn't take it anymore and said frankly,

-Look Emily...I know why you are sad...and I think that I can make it up to you...Let's go!

-W-Where?! She asked.

-Just come! She said taking her hand and Adrien's.

-Princess? Where are we going?

Marinette did not answer and guided them to a deserted street. She threw something something to a wall and a giant portal was formed.

-We are going to the kwami world! She answered smiling.

-Wh-y? Adrien asked.

-You'll see kitty! And they all entered the portal which closed behind them.

Emily was astonished; it was the first time that she came here. It was so beautiful! Marinette guided Adrien and his mother to the dungeons...and down they went.

-Emily...I'm doing this for you because I know how you feel and I guess that I'm going to feel the same way in some years.

-Why are you saying? Adrien asked. But still, Marinette didn't answer.

-Stay here for a moment. Whispered Marinette as they approached the cells.

Marinette went to open the first cell and a voice came out.

-Hello Marinette. It's been a long time...

-Hi Gabriel. It's time...

-Really? It will happen after all?

-Y-Yes. Her voice broke a little but she stayed determined.

-Oh thank you! Thank you so much! For everything! He said and he hugged her tightly.

Now, we could see the true Gabriel Agreste. He became thin and didn't resemble that famous fashion businessman anymore!

-I have a surprise for you...wiping Gabriel's tears with a hand.

She went to fetch Adrien and his mother and stepped aside.

-Gabriel! Cried Emily and went to hug him.

-I-is it really- whispered Gabriel while he was hugging Emily.

Marinette nodded and he hugged Emily tighter. Then he turned towards Adrien, who has remained speechless and hugged him and whispered,

- I am so sorry. Please forgive me.

Then went to Marinette again, and said,

-Thank you so much. How can I ever repay you?

-I owed it to you Gabriel; you have made my life easier while I was here, when I came to visit you during my breaks. This is the least I could do.

-I-I don't repulse you anymore? After everything wrong that I have done...

-No...because I realized that all you wanted was love and for love it sometimes involves sacrifice. I married you son and we have a baby on our way so...

-I'm going to be a g-grandpa?!


And Gabriel went to hug Marinette tightly.

-Ok let's go! Said Marinette as another portal was formed.

This one was different, not like Bunnyx's. It was empty as usual but was gold and had steamy gold walls.

-Of will not be able to return to Paris so here, giving both Emily and Gabriel two files. This contains passports, cards etc. Anyway new identities equals new life!

-Thank you Marinette. Replied Emily.

-Just go through the other steamy wall and you'll land on a cruise ship to the Maldives.

Before going, Gabriel looked at Marinette in a strange way and she nodded. Then turned round to Adrien who was now smiling.


-Not this time princess!


-You already tried to go away twice but not this time!

Marinette smiled and came closer to Adrien and put one hand around his neck making their foreheads pressed together. They were so close that they only needed to whisper to each other.

-You are the one who is going kitty...'m not...

-Do you remember a few years ago...she said her voice breaking, I was the consequence for your mother's resurrection?


-That was only part of the whole consequence; I fought hard when I came to the kwami world to lower the risks of the consequence. Now, the consequence is for you to choose between your parents

Adrien was silent. Marinette stepped away from Adrien and gave him the file and said crying a little,

-I knew that you couldn't choose so go with your parents. You've always wanted a family. They are your family and I don't want to be the reason to break it...

-I'm not going.

-Oh Adrien...don't make this harder as it already is...

-No...No I'm not going...he said coming closer to her. I love you M'lady...and I'm not going. All my life I lived without my father's attention and without a mother so I think, I managed my life pretty well since then. I've got the most amazing wife of the world and a child coming up...our child, he said holding both of her hands. Marinette, you are my whole world, my whole life and I know that it's crazy choosing you over my parents but it's just because I'm deeply in love with you. You are my family and...I love you.

-Are you sure? She asked.

-Pretty sure, yes. He said smiling and kissed her passionately. Let's go home...

As they went away, Adrien put his hand around Marinette and said,

-I've been thinking of a name for the baby and-

-Please don't say "bugaboo".

-Why not?! He replied laughing.


They both laughed.

-I love you puuurincess.

-I love you Cat.

I hope that you enjoyed it! Just a question, who in the world would have done that?! I mean choose his lover over his parents?? Just wow! I really should have titled this chapter, "Choice". Would have been better don't you think? Anyway...I guess when you truly love someone, you'll do whatever it takes to be with that person! True love exists people! Whether, it's in stories or in real life...Don't worry, the story doesn't end here, don't we have a delivery to go through and maybe spice the ending a little bit with some time travel? Enjoy the suspense!

Peace out hommies!

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