XIV - Dumb and Dumber

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I blinked my eyes in disbelief as cars continued to pass through the street. I couldn't even begin to process what happened in a matter of minutes but I faced the man again. This time, with a burning desire to snap his neck into two.

"You.." I snarled, clenching my mouth so hard to restrain myself to jump straight at him.

Breathe, Bella.

His voice suddenly filled my head but I told it to fuck off. No one is stopping me from strangling this white smug.

"Here. I'm sure five grand would be enough. Is that the cheap price you sell your dignity nowadays? Seriously, you people are just so pathetic that it ma-"  His onslaught was cut off by the strike of my hand. The power of the slap left him staggering a bit as his sunglasses flew a few feet away from us.

My eyes were burning holes into his existence before I closed them to relieve some of the inferno. I will not be called pathetic more than I've already been, especially by a stranger who clearly have a death wish.

There's no word to explain the satisfaction of the sound it made when my hand got in contact with his face. It would've probably be much better if it wasn't for the mask reducing the blow. He suddenly became a statue in front me, seemingly in denial of what just happened.The money he was holding earlier fell out of his grasp and flew to the afternoon breeze.

"First and fucking foremost, I don't know who the hell you are but you will pay for that. And no, I don't mean your filthy dollar bills because I don't need it. Secondly-"

My voice suddenly hitched in my throat the moment he faced forward. Without the protection of his sunglasses, his eyes met the golden hue of the afternoon sun. And our eyes met for the first time. My body just stopped functioning altogether for a split second but I quickly recovered.

Those eyes. They shone beautifully like emerald crystals. The same captivating way I've been witnessing my whole life from someone.

He has eyes just like Cameron's.

I blinked my eyes to shake the thoughts away from my mind. And just like that, the burning fire inside me came rushing back.

"Secondly, say the word 'pathetic'again and your face will be the second thing flying to the road and I'll run over you myself." I emphasize each word slowly, making sure to deliver the threat as I pushed his chest with my finger.

His eyes drew to slits as it challenged mine. But right before he could snap back whatever british slurs he was planning to, a man in black suit interrupted our stare off.

"Sire, we've been looking everywhere for you. Your mother requested your presence thirty minutes ago. We really need to go back now." He was wheezing slightly, clearly from running, but he was quick to compose himself as he stood straight with a stoic expression. He carries the same thick accent of the degenerate I just slapped, although in a much older voice.

Based on everything I've known so far, I am assuming that this poor excuse for a man mistook me for a paparazzi, hence the crazy reaction and money bribing. This could only mean that he's some cheap celebrity I don't know of, probably from the UK, who is rich enough to have a bodyguard on his tail like a fucking child.

"What does she wants from me now?" He  huffed an exhale before breaking our eye contact to face the older man.

"She didn't mention it, but it sounded urgent." The other one replied as he glanced at his watch nervously.

"Fine, let's go." He grunts before walking to the other direction. His minion looked at me for a quick second, raising an eyebrow in confusion before he followed him behind his steps.

Unraveling Cameron (18+)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz