Chapter 39

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"Good morning, Yumi."

"Good morning.."

"Yumi, good morning."

"Yeah, you too."

Greetings and bickering, talking about how different I looked today.

It's not a big change actually. And I was only testing the wig that I came up with made of synthetic material. Guess it's just kids around my age won't be able to notice the difference between synthetic hair and human hair.

I just became a big talk today, maybe because it's their first time to see me with a long hair.

I may have looked like I forgot everything and everyone, but I'm working hard to keep what I wanted to do.

And making a wig for a human to wear, was just for temporary purpose. I mean, if my plan fails that is. But of course, I'll make sure that there won't be a place for mistakes.

Hitori and old man Sabishi, I hope they're still waiting for my return.


I stopped from walking straight and paused to answer a call.

"What is it?" I asked, thinking if which one of them had called to me.

"We aren't in the same team, but good luck."

I smiled to everyone of them, "You too. Wish you luck," I said then continued to be on my way to the classroom from the washroom.

I'll be dubbing the chapters for awhile. Don't miss Konohamaru so much, he won't miss you anyway.

"You look more beautiful with a long hair."

"Thank you," I said, flashing the most convincing happy smile that I could pull, that I had practiced it in front of the mirror.

I am beginning to suspect myself that I am a very good liar, that is why I can do fake smiles too efficiently that no one would notice that I was actually saying the opposite.

Like what they said, kill your enemies with kindness.─it's just unfortunate that I'm not the only one who use this strategy, they also used it to me in return. But it's nice that we don't have to argue with a nonsensical matter.

How can I not? These swarming children that "used to be" my classmates had hated me long before I had reached my place. Mostly are girls.

Konohamaru had been calling me names like, reverse-harem girl or chick-magnet because of them. Little did he know, he was the reason why I was hated, not because of my performance at school. (─ ─ )

No need to ask, I was enjoying their reactions and also to their kind-ish treatment so I was too industrious on provoking them more by doing what it looked like a fan-service.

"Konohamaru would like you even more now."

"R-really? You think so?" As blood flushed to my cheeks making me blush as I also tried to act that I was so embarrassed by it. It's easy to manipulate yourself sometimes that your brain and body will react to it even if it's a lie.

I sighed as when their numbers grew. "I didn't fixed my hair like this to impress him though, but yeah, I had thought I should have, but you know...." More acting like I was pretending that I was in denial that I did such a makeover to impress him.

"Oh? So who are you into now?"

"I've seen you with Hiro most of the time."

"Is he your new target?"

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