Chapter 26- Back With A Vengeance

Start from the beginning


Then we went back to the others. "The girls are right, Ben. Just because you can be an alien all the time... doesn't mean you should be an alien all the time," Max said, trying to get through to his grandson. "We still don't know if there are any hidden consequences." "Well, OK, grandpa. I'll take it easy. For a millisecond. Time's up!" He said as he turned into XLR8 and ran off with pudding.


"So glad we had this chat," Max said. I sighed, "I know, Max. I don't know if I got through to him at all," I said, putting my head in my hands. Gwen put her hand on my shoulder and sent me a comforting smile. Max was getting ready to take some pictures while Gwen and I looked out at the water. In every picture, Ben was an alien. First Wildvine, then Four Arms, Stinkfly, Wildmutt, Grey Matter, then finally, Heatblast.


We were on a tour and learning about the falls. "As you look below, you'll see a steel barge... that has been marooned in the upper rapids since 1918," Our guide said. "What are you doing, Benji?" I asked. "Science experiment. I'm trying to figure out which alien can hock the best loggie. Definitely Heatblast," He said. "I don't know him," Gwen said. Suddenly, something or someone hit the cable car we were on.


"But we do!" I looked up and there was Vilgax and Kevin. Vilgax reached for Ben but I stood in front of him and they grabbed me instead. "No! Princess!" Ben yelled. "And we know all his secrets. Including his weakness. The love of his life, Miss Paige Marie Swan," Vilgax said as he held me in his iron grip. "Kevin, Vilgax? You're..." "Alive and about to kick your beloved's butt!" Kevin said.


"Never figured you were the type to take on an apprentice, Vilgax," Max said. "Silence! Once this containment field neutralizes the Omnitrix, grab it," Vilgax said as Kevin grabbed Ben. "I said, never tell me what..." He was cut off when Ben activated the Omnitrix and I teleported out of Vilgax's grip. "Hey! Where'd Tennyson and Swan go?" "You can't escape me that easily," Vilgax said.


"Guess again! Ben said as he transformed into Diamondhead and took me in his arms. "What's this? The child has gained new control over the Omnitrix." "Got you!" We said as we grabbed Max and Gwen. "I'm going after Vilgax and Kevin!" "Ben, no! At least let me come with you," I said. "Princess, I need you to be safe please!" "How can I be safe when all I'll do is worry about you? Please let me come! We're a team, remember?" I said.


"Ben, you and Paige can't beat them both. Together, they're too powerful," Max tried to warn us. "Oh, yeah? Just watch us. Come on, princess," He said as he put me on his back and we raced away. Ben and I were hiding from Kevin. Who was acting like a chicken. "Come on out, Tennyson and Swan, you chickens," I heard Kevin say. "Enough with your foolishness. The girl is the key. Once we have her, the boy will come to us," I heard Vilgax say.


I teleported myself to Max and Gwen to be safe. Unfortunately, Vilgax and Kevin showed up. "Grandpa, company! Paige, get behind grandpa now!" Gwen said. I did as she said and stood behind Max. He smiled at me, "Gwen and I won't let anything happen to you, sweetheart." "We'd never hear the end of it. Besides, Paige is like a sister to me. Nothing's going to happen to her while I'm around," She said.

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