"You can talk to me normally," I said. "I would disagree, Your Majesty,"

I shook my head, giving the man an assuring smile. "It's fine,"

"I would not want to get beaten by your King, Your Majesty," he says, cracking a smile. "I apologize but it will not change my mind, however, maybe we can talk like that when your King is with us, after all, I would still need his permission despite you giving me it,"


So my parents passed this "responsibility" to him? Very funny. I thought I can make decisions on my own now, sucks that I believed my thoughts when I'm aware my mind's only playing tricks on me.

"I see," there was a hint of bitterness in my voice that the two men failed to notice, except my friends. "I'll be back in a few," Jihyo unnie says, her fiancé then thanked me and bowed at me. He eyed his sister before leaving with his fiancèe in his arms.

"What was that?" Nayeon unnie turns to Dahyun. "I have to go back early today," she informs us. "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, I couldn't find the right timing,"

"And..." Sana looks at the Crown Prince of another influential Kingdom in Goryeo. "I'm taking her home, her brother had asked me a favor to take her sister back home safe and sound," he says.

"Oh..." Nayeon unnie and Sana nods, sharing a look with each other. "You can go, Dahyun-ah, maybe you have something important to do before the day ends," I said.

Dahyun nods at us, bidding goodbye as she follows the Prince who's already a few meters away from us. He had walked away first.

"Do you think something's between them?" Sana asks.

"We don't know, but we all know Dahyun has her eyes on him," Nayeon unnie replies.

Not only us but also Dahyun's brother knows Dahyun's love for that certain Prince. She has been silently loving him for two years now but this girl did nothing but stare at him from afar. She does wishes for him to return the feeling but whenever she thinks of that, she'd stop and return to reality, it was not only her who awaits that Prince, many await.

The event went on until midnight as I expected. Visitors are slowly leaving one by one until the once crowded place became empty just when the clock hits one o'clock.

I silently followed him on our way to our chamber. As much as I want to have a chamber on my own, I can't. I couldn't even protest as he said it himself the night after our wedding. The last time we talked, he only hurt me. 

Nothing happened that night, as much to everyone's dismay I guess but for us? It's normal. It should be normal between us as this would go on for the rest of our lives.

Despite sleeping late, both of us were awoken early as we remembered we have duties, a lot of duties, and responsibilities to do every day.

Sitting across him, we ate breakfast without speaking to each other, nor greeting one another when we locked eyes earlier before we left our chamber.

He finished breakfast early and excused himself as he has things to finish within today. That was the only conversation we shared the whole day. Let me rephrase that, that's the only conversation we shared since we got married. 

While he was busy doing or attending meetings, checking papers, and such, I went to see his people, our people.

"We could not thank you as much as we wanted to!"

"You blessed us!"

"You save us, Your Majesty!"

Upon receiving the news of their worst nightmare, his people begged and cried for him to find a way to prevent their Kingdom from falling. They almost rallied for him to hear their pleas but when the news came out of him and me, being wed, his people were overjoyed. They celebrated. Believing that I'm helping their Prince, now their King saving his Kingdom.

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