Beautiful Nightmare

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Moonlight. Fireflies. Stars so luminous they lit the world in a silver hue. Overgrown grass with dew that soaked through Dream's discarded shoes. The tall oak tree in his childhood home's backyard. The treehouse that was barely still hanging on- his first ever construction project with his dad. A chilling fall breeze that made goosebumps rise on the back of his neck. His neck, which was laid in George's lap, angled perfectly to stargaze together. He'd been here before, both in real life and when he was fast asleep. George's presence bringing him comfort and security was the only difference between his dreams and reality.

"I love you." George's words blended in with the crickets and cicadas. Lightning bugs flashed around them, dancing in the deep brown of George's eyes. He knew this was a dream, he always knew. The only difference was now he went into his semi-lucid dream with the knowledge that George wasn't only taken by him in his mind. George was seeing someone out in real life, the tender touch of his hand on Dream's cheek now feeling like it was going to seep into his hollow soul.

"Don't say that." Dream whispered. He had never not enjoyed this moment before. The gentle caress of George's hand. The slight chip in his front tooth that was only noticeable when you were this close. The feelings behind his words, his 'I love you' sounding like the way Dream had been wishing it would all along. He had only ever cherished these moments, wishing every night would be this dream. Now, he just wanted to wake up.

"I love you, Dream." George insisted, moving his hand from Dream's cheek to his hair, brushing the long, golden-blonde locks away from his face. Despite Dream's dismissal, George smiled down to him, shaking his head like he thought Dream's words were a joke. He soon gazed back up to the stars. Dream felt like he was being sucked into the moment. He knew exactly how this dream ended, he refused to let himself make it that far.

"You're not mine. You're going to leave me." Dream sat up, George's limp hand had fallen away from the hairs that were running through his fingers. Dream had officially broken the script, the ritual, the pattern. He's not supposed to sit up. He's supposed to tell George he loves him too. Tell him how his world revolves around him. Tell him how knowing he made him smile once would make Dream happy for the rest of the week. He wasn't meant to sit up, George was supposed to lay down next to him.

"You know I'll always be here." George offered, somehow still managing to comfort Dream, to pull him back in with his words. That was all they had for so long, only words. Whispers, laughs, cries, screams, and everything in between. They had only shared words together for years, not even needing the feeling of each other on their skin to be so deeply embedded in one another. Yet, somehow, Dream's mind had turned their words into this moment long before they ever met in person.

"You're not real. I've been here enough times to know." Dream did his best to not be sucked back in. To have the strength to not lay back down, allowing George to climb on top of him. He knew exactly how the dream ended, he couldn't do it this time. No matter how badly he wanted to. Why did his first time having this dream since George arrived have to happen right after he found out about George's girlfriend? Also, why did it feel like Dream was the one being cheated on?

"If I weren't real, how come I can do this?" George whispered from behind Dream, sliding his hands underneath the back of Dream's shirt. His hands were always so warm in his dreams, nothing like the frail and freezing hands he had in real life. The warmth danced across Dream's goosebumps riddled skin, George's breath brushing against the back of his neck. Soft lips grazed the exposed skin of his shoulder, pulling him back down like an anchor.

"Stop." Dream's words were weak. His body in his dream betrayed him, following George's hands, which guided him to lay back down. Their warmth, their gentle pull on the fabric of his shirt, their delicacy with every touch. Dream knew what it felt like to be touched by those hands, in and out of this false reality, his new life experiences making the dream feel even more realistic somehow.

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