Chapter 36: A Distraction

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*Rachels POV*-

My mind was finding it hard to function rationally with his mouth-watering body pressed against mine.He slowly inched away but left only a few inches between us.Anything more than that didn't seem to be acceptable to him.

Just as we both were standing facing each other,mere inches gap between us the door to the balcony swung open causing me to pull back from Dan slightly.My heart rate rose and I quickly adjusted my dress and hair slighty. We finally realized that the person interrupting us was none other than Lucas.

His eyes widened on seeing us standing so close to each other but he covered his surprise with a fake cough. I tried to detach myself from Dan but his grip tightened around me and he let out a low growl to lucas.I was embarassed to say the least.

"Nice view right?" Lucas started a little awkwardly before teasingly smirking at Dan.

"It was.Until you came here." Daniel retorted with his eyes narrowed in slits.Lucas covered his laugh with his hand before replying in a soft voice "sorry to interrupt.I'll be heading out now." He nodded at me and then at dan before exiting the balcony.

"Why did he even come here?" I chuckled while asking on seeing the irrirated look on Dan's face. "God know's why." He said while shaking his head.

And again I felt the barrier fall in our connection and so I again entered his mind to read his thoughts.
" ughhh Goddess! Why does everyone have to interrupt us in one good moment!...only if he had waited a minute longer." He seemed to have said this in his head.

I chuckled as well as blushed slightly before replying "Dont worry Dan...We can always continue this later on." His eyes met mine in an instant before they darkened slightly.

He chuckled and asked "Is that a promise?" I shook my head on his behaviour and acted as if I was thinking and then replied " You'l get to know eventually." He smiled at my reply and placed a strand of my hair behind my ear before placing a light kiss on my forehead.Everything was just too good to be true and I had a feeling that something would definitely go wrong.

And I was right.

Just then,a huge explosion diverted our attention from each other.From the balcony,we could see a huge fire spreading across the pack house and near by houses, caused by the explosion.

Daniel immediately stiffened beside me and looked over towards his Pack territory,seeing his Pack land go up in flames.I sucked in a quick breath before blurring out the first thing that came to my mind "Lucian..."

This made Daniel turn towards me immediately before he said "Rachel,you need to stay here no matter what.I'll head out to the pack house but I need to know that you will take care of yourself. "He asked before grabbing my hand.I nodded in return trying to keep him calm before saying "Take care of yourself."

We both immediately left the balcony and entered the hall.Each and every hybrid pack warriors came into action on sensing threat and soon every entry and exit of the hall was starting to close down.

"Rachel,Stay with Aaron." Dan said before giving me a final look and exiting the hall.Dan and few of the pack warriors left the hall and made their way towards the pack house.The only problem was that this hall was around half an hour away from the pack house.

"Rachel!" I heard someone yell but due to the chaos I couldn't locate them.Soon I saw a worried looking Aaron make his way towards me."Thank god" He muttered under his breath but that didn't go unnoticed by me.

"Is everything alright Aaron?"I asked him slightly worried on seeing him in a completely different behavior.His eyes widened a bit before he looked away from me.

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