Chapter- 18: Long Story Short

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*Rachel's POV*-

Today has been a hell of a Roller Coaster

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Today has been a hell of a Roller Coaster. My feelings were all mixed up when I found out that I was werewolf AND a Vampire!!!! I guess this is what Stephan felt when I shifted first, cause when he woke up his Vampire side I could feel all his emotions. After an hour of treating Carol, We gathered in the hall. It was just me,steph, daniel, liam and susan. Carol went to her room to rest.

"How are you two doing?" Liam asked me and steph.

"Been Better. But we are alive so that's all that matters." Steph replied.

"I am so sorry that we dragged you both into all of our troubles." liam said.

"Liam, You don't have anything to apologise for. They were the one's who hurt us not your family." Steph replied. To which Liam gave a weak smile.

"And to the most important matter at hand. You both are Vampires as well?" Susan asked shocked.

"Yess." I and steph replied at the same time.

" So they are Hybrids too...Just like us." Daniel said with a confused look on his face.

"What's a hybrid? " I asked.

"Hybrids can be of many types. But we are Vampire-Werewolf Hybrids. Hybrids are mixture of a Vampire and a Werewolf . They possess the powers of both species, making them twice as powerful. And by the looks of it, you both are Hybrids as well." Liam answered.

"So your whole family has these abilities???" I asked.

"No, Sophie is too young to show these abilities whereas Andrew hasn't shifted into his wolf yet but he has vampire speed and strength." he answered.

"But when the vampires attacked the mansion then why didn't you shift into your wolf to fight them Susan?" I looked at her as I asked. But the look on her face made me regret my question.

"I can no longer shift into my wolf. I can no longer feel her presence inside of me. It is as if she just disappeared." she said. What??? How is it even possible??

"I am so sorry Susan,But how did it happen?" I asked as I moved closer to her.

" It has been 6 Years when I last felt her. Just one night I was talking to her and then the next second I could hear her desperate wails. She was screaming for help, but I didn't know how to help her. Hell I didn't even know WHAT had happened to her? I could feel the deadliest pain in my chest which only increased when she tried to help. It was that kind of a pain when you lose someone closest to you. The pain reached it's peak and then my whole body went numb, I couldn't feel her after that. " She cried her heart out on telling us this. I felt tears prick my eyes as well when I went in to hug her. I guess that year had been a bad luck for many people, she lost her wolf and we lost our brother.

"You should both go and get some rest." Liam said while looking at us to which we nodded and we both headed to my room to talk.


"Steph... Are you alright? know, the whole Vampire Incident?" I asked him concerned.

"No Rachel. I feel like a monster now. I liked the taste of BLOOD. Can you believe this??? Couldn't we have led a normal life, like normal Humans?" Steph said almost defeated. I know this feeling, it just feels like we are becoming monsters as we discover ourselves.

**[Jacob :You both are not monsters. Those who attacked us , attacked the kids , are the real monsters. And to defeat them ,you have to paint your hands in blood.]**

**[ Stephan : Where the HELL were you when I needed you?? If you would have been there then my vampire side could still have been hidden.]**

**[ Jacob- Well excuse me if I needed to rest. I was tired, I haven't shifted in so long. And I was doing just fine until I heard you yelling.]**

**[Rachel- Wait! What do you mean that you haven't shifted in so long?]**

**[ Aurora- Let me explain. So to make the long story short, We were hidden by a powerful spell which is why you both couldn't feel us or even shift like normal werewolves.And also,both your memories were erased so you could lead a normal life and we were only supposed to show up when you both were in trouble.]**
WHATTTT????? A spell?? Our memories???What is going on here???? She is saying all this as if it is the most normal thing ever.

**[ Stephan: Who removed our memories???and whyyy??]**

**[ Jacob: Ummmm...yeah thattt..we don't remember. Even we lost part of our memories.]**

**[ Aurora- This wasn't your first shift. We made our appearance long back when you both were kids. I think that is why someone tried to wipe our memories so that they could keep us safe. Because shifting in a very young age means that the person is very powerful and that can attract danger.]**

**[ Rachel - And now we are hybrids.Great!!]**

**[Jacob- Ummmm...Not exactly....The spell which was put on you made us fall into a deep sleep and we could only wake when the time is right.Soooo...The rest of them are in a deep sleep as well and will only appear when the war approaches closer.]**

**[Stephan - The rest of them??]**

**[ Jacob- Both of you have special abilities that are hidden very far away. Even we are not sure what all of them are. We only know that we are not just any wolf-shifters, we are Tri-brid. A wolf that has the abilities of a Vampire as well as a Witch]**

WHAT . THE. HELL???? I feel like my brain is going to explode.Me and Stephan just looked at each other not knowing what to say. I am completely in shock that we have a Tri-brid  Wolf. But if we have all of this then what about Alex? 

**[ Aurora- Well about know how I and Jacob are connected right? But when we were in sleep the connection was not there between us. So after waking up, we don't know what happened to Alex's Wolf. All we know is we can't feel him ....]**

**[ Jacob- Connor,His wolf was our brother, so when we woke up and didn't feel his connection, we knew that he was gone....]**

I can feel their pain,the same pain I and Stephan feel about our own brother.

**[Rachel- I am so Sorry...]** 

That was all I could say. It broke my heart that Aurora and Jacob don't have their brother because of me.

Little did I know that soon a new life was waiting for us. We were soon going to join Liam's Pack, The Half Blood Pack.

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