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The bell rang after some time they all greeted me and left. I went to my class.

At class

I heard a female voice. I looked back, The girl behind me called.
"Yes?" I answered.
"Did you ate your breakfast with won, hyunbin and kaita?" She asked.
"do you know them?" I asked.
she said looked down. I was gonna say something she spoke again.
"If I tell you something, can you keep it as a secret?"
"Yeah, sure why not.."
"well I have a crush on kaita."
"You were with him so I was kinda jealous hehe, don't mind me." "Noooooo it's okkk"
"and I'll keep it a secret! I promise. And I can help you to get close to kaita if you want!"
"Yesssss plsss helppp meeeee T^T" "okokok imma help you!"

"You're Y/N right? Kang Y/N?"
"I'm kim yoo na, you can call me yoona"
"Nice to meet you, wanna be friends?"
"I thought you were already ma friend!"
"Hahahaha lmaoo"

Let's love| ciipher HyunbinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum