11: Stohess Policeman

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AN: Sorry for the long wait. I didn't realize it had been more than a month wow. Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter. It's lacking in action, but it's sort of a transition to what happens next in the story. Finals week is next week, so I won't be posting for that time or writing for that matter. I won't abandon the story, don't worry. I'll stop talking now and let you guys read.


Loud grunts and a squeaking bed could be heard in the room. Their bodies were connected in extreme passion, neither of them wanting to forget the feeling of absolute pleasure they were experiencing at the moment. It had taken years for them both to finally admit their feelings for each other, and even longer for them to do anything about it.

There weren't thoughts about the future or about promises from their hometown. It was only them, enjoying the moment without any care for the world.

"Haah... Uugh.. Aaah..." The girl panted as beads of sweat treaded down her golden locks.

"Yeah... You're a dirty girl, aren't cha? But you're my dirty girl, and I'm gonna make you scream." The man accelerated his pace. Loud clapping noises were heard in the room.

"Ahh! O.. Oh!... Aghh! AAAH!"

A loud banging on the wall interrupted the heated session. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP."

To say Y/N was annoyed would be an understatement. For the last three weeks, all he could hear at night were the moans of his neighbor and his girlfriend or fuckbuddy. He didn't care that they were fucking like bunnies, but he did care that it messed up with his sleep schedule. If the couple could be quieter then there would've been no problem. But no, they had to be as loud as possible so the whole building could know what they were doing.

The birds started to sing outside of his window and Y/N wanted to kill someone. Because of those two assholes, he didn't get any sleep during the night. Sure, it was his off day, but he would've rather spent that day with someone like Annie than sleeping in his bed.

His relationship with Annie had become stronger. Of course, she didn't hold any romantic feelings towards him, but their friendship was as strong as a friendship can be. She still didn't know that Y/N knew that she was  the Female Titan, or that he held one of the Titan powers.  Their friendship was based on lies and incomplete truths, yet they trusted each other more than anyone else.

As the sun began to rise, the orange-haired MP groaned and cursed the devils of the island. His roommate had a night-shift the day before, so thankfully he wasn't there to hear Y/N's words about the people of the walls. The Titan Shifter looked at the clock sitting besides his bed and closed his eyes from the emotional pain.

"Six fucking twenty-seven. I wake up at six twenty-seven on my off day. They're gonna get genocided just for this."

Y/N's mood improved greatly after he took a much needed shower. He was still in a horrible mood, that was needless to say, but at least his genocidal personality had decreased tenfold. Then, with the breakfast food, his bad mood decreased even more. The food at the Military Police was actually good, especially compared to the Cadet Corps mysterious dishes and the food he and Ymir stole back when they were living together.

HIs relationship with Ymir was a weird one now. They grew somewhat apart in their cadet years, and after she killed his father's (in Titan form, but still the same thing), there was something between them that broke. At most, they had exchanged one letter since they split off into different military branches. She was still supposed to help him reach Marley and help the Warriors, but Y/N doubted her conviction. That girl was a simp for Christa after all, so anything the blonde "goddess" wanted would be what Ymir would do.

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