8: A hard loss

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Y/N stood next to Ymir, Christa, and another person who had been assigned to their group. It wasn't the best group division if he was being honest: Y/N was the only person in his group to make the top 10 while the others had scored 11, 13, and 199. Other groups, such as Annie's, had all members that were all in the top 10. The chances of survival for those groups was much higher than it was for Y/N's group. 

It wasn't Shadis that made the groups, but it still felt like the bald man had some meddling to do. The commander had always hated Y/N, so assigning him that group would probably guarantee death. Little did Shadis know that the red-haired cadet had a hidden trick up his sleeve in case anything went wrong--not that he planned on ever using it, but it was just in case. 

The 10th ranked cadet stood on top of a building as he saw Titans roaming around. The instructions given to the group were simple: kill Titans while the citizens of Trost evacuate the city. Simple instructions with deadly results. 

Not even at a far distance, soldiers cried from pain as their extremities were bitten by the Titans. Daughters cried for their mothers, sons cried for their fathers, all while simultaneously  screaming in agony. As the soldiers died and the Titans approached, Y/N gripped his blades hard. 

"Get ready to engage." Y/N said as he eyed the Titans. To think that all of them, or almost all of them, had come from your hometown was a little distressing. 

"Who made you the leader of this operation?" Ymir scoffed. 

"Umm, command? Seriously Ymir, get your brain checked out."

Y/N felt a presence besides him drop to the ground. When he turned his head, he found the fourth person of the group squatting with his hands gripping his brown hair. The orange-haired boy frowned and kicked the panicked team member. 

"Hey Wade, stand up for fucks sake." Y/N kicked him again. Wade just continued to cry, too panicked to eve pay attention to his surroundings. 

"We're going to die. We're going to get eaten alive." Wade repeated. "I don't want to die. I miss my mom. I want my mom."

"Yeah well I want my mom too Wade, but right now we got more pressing matters at hand. If you don't move, your final moments will be pathetic. If you move, a Titan may kill you, but at least you'll go out with a fight."

Wade shook his head. "I don't want to die."

"Nobody does, but we're all mortals. Just stand up and fight alongside us. If anything bad happens, I'll be there to help you. I promise, ok?" Y/N offered his hand to Wade, who took it and shakily stood up. The orange-haired cadet put on a brave smile as he patted his team mates back. "Fight with everything you've got when I give the order. Got it?"

The other three members of the team nodded their heads in affirmation. With a determined look on his face, Y/N looked at the nearest Titan. It was around 15 meters tall and it had black hair. From its face, the red-haired shifter supposed that the Titan had been a woman before it was converted into the monster she was now. Maybe she was an Eldian woman who was having an affair with a Marleyan, or maybe she put her armband on the wrong arm. There were just so many possibilities as to how that woman ended up as a Titan, most of whom Y/N had no form of knowing. 

As the Titan approached, other shorter Titans followed closely behind. Y/N gripped his blades as he prepared to attack the Titans. 

"Now!" Y/N yelled, giving his team the order to begin attacking the Titans. Instantly, Christa fell behind him, which meant that Ymir did too. It was only Y/N and cowardly Wade against many Titans. Without room to second-guess himself, the boy from outside the Walls hooked his head to one of the Titans nape, and effortlessly cut it. As the Titan fell, Y/N threw his hook to the side of a building, and with the momentum was able to kill a second smaller Titan. 

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