4: Slackers clean

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AN: That's what Y/N is supposed to look like. If you don't like it, you're free to imagine him differently, but that's what I'm imagining when I write this.

It had been several days since the training camp had started. Every day followed the same routine: waking up at an ungodly hour, warm up, do exercise that would make a regular person want to kill themselves, eat, practice ODM gear, more exercise, classroom time, eat, and sleep. It was a rigid schedule that was used to intimidate the weak minded people to drop out.

By the third week of continuous training, things began to ease up a little bit. It was still hard, but the Cadets had more time to rest and socialize with their peers. Friendship duos and groups began to define themselves: Eren Jaeger, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert; Sasha Blouse and Connie Springer; Bertholdt Hoover and Reiner Braun, Jean Kirstein and Marco Bodt; and Ymir Sanz and Christa Lenz.

Then there were also two types of people apart from these defined groups. Some, like Annie Leonhart, seemed to simply stay away from any group. They preferred to be solitary all the time, barely engaging in conversation or making an effort in befriending their future comrades.

The second type of people were those who seemed to float around, never finding a perfect fit with any group. Y/N was the prime example of this type of people. He could try to spend time with Reiner and Bertholdt, but sooner or later his secret would come out if he stayed too long. Once he tried to be with the Jaeger group, but not only did he feel out of place with the childhood friends, but Y/N also felt uncomfortable with the somewhat incestuous relationship Mikasa and Eren had.

During breakfast one day, Y/N sat down in front of his supposed sister Ymir, who was obviously sitting with Christa Lenz. The short blonde girl was cute, if not overly nice, but good company from time to time. It was weird looking at Ymir, who had always been a selfish and brutally honest person, change overnight when it came to Christa. Even if she didn't say it out loud, it was clear to Y/N that Ymir liked Christa a lot.

"Yo, can I sit here?" Y/N asked, not waiting for the response and setting his food on the table.

"Oh Y/N! How are you doing?" Christa asked in a high pitch voice, a wonderful contrast from Ymir's deadly stare.

The orange haired teen smiled kindly at his comrade. "Been better, but can't complain. Training has been pretty chill recently."

"Thank the heavens for that." Ymir snorted

"Oi, learn how to be lady like in front of Christa here." Y/N reprimanded as he slapped Ymir on the head. "If you plan to be with her, you should at least try to be someone she isn't disgusted by."

"Stop it Y/N." Christa said. "Ymir can act however she wants."

The orange-haired boy fought his strong urge to roll his eyes at the short blonde. It wasn't that she was naïve--well, it wasn't only that she was naïve--but she was just too good for him. How Ymir, the girl who Y/N knew to be an absolute asshole, could deal with Christa was beyond him. Sure, there was the thing about knowing who the hell she was and why the Wall cultist cared for her existence, but Y/N knew better. Ymir was absolutely infatuated by the blonde.

And that was something Y/N hated.

For the past two years, him and Ymir had been a team. They had done everything together and shared the same secrets. The sole reason why Y/N joined the Cadet Corps was to accompany Ymir because he didn't want to stay alone. But now that they were in training, Ymir had basically turned a blind eye to him, and in turn favored the annoyingly good-willed Christa.

"She can acts how she wants if she doesn't drag my name down with her." Y/N muttered as he ate his breakfast.

"Anyways, what do you plan on doing on your first free day? Oh wait, slackers don't get a day off." Ymir laughed.

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