Wait...How did we switch the piont of view?- HI I AM JAMES!

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I couldn't recall how many months had passed since we finnaly got some positive results. Two of our experiments were in the kind of trance the council wanted to archieve with this work. Number 008793 is showing no sign of consciousness but 008794 worried me.

He was reacting to things that were happening outside his cell. I could see he wasn't moving, still the monitors were showing that his brain is active like a healthy person's. It's strange. Maybe something went wrong back then, when we they were putting him in a man-made coma. It is unusual for a person to get into this state.

Right now I stood in one of the observation rooms, glancing over some reports of other experiments. This isn't my task area! Why do I need to do this anyways? Huh? But still it is amazing how many died after the first days. But somehow dissapointing. As far as we knew, their lungs went numb and they couldn't breath anymore.

I have to admit, if they were fully awake it would be ugly to look at. Dying people are mostly so loud and noisy. Still, who wouldn't scream for his live? Believe me it is not a pretty experience to suffocate, to gasp for air and you just can not grab it, that in a recurring circle until you give up.

I looked at some other random report. A positive state of consciousness was discovered in one of the boys we froze some monts ago. Jason Deimos? Amazing achievement for someone so young ... he's 17 huh? Still... something was wrong there. At first I brushed aside it aside as an failure in the sytem but I just couldn't get it out my head. I slowly got a bad feeling about it, also I let my gaze wander to his picture. He doesnt look so bad on it...

Whatsoever the reason, I suddenly got an constricting impulse, alomost an urge to look after him. Right now. This thought somehow pulled me towards the iron door and forced me to go check on him. After a moment, I gave in and hurried down the overfilled hallway. I often stumbled over workers so it was hard to get trough and there were this oh so wonderful times when I accidentally bumped into someone. In the rusult of that i also bumped into a well-known person to me.

"Hey watch it!" was all that I got from the black suited man infront of me. For the Sake of god. Why him? Out of all people... "Well if it isn't James. Na? How are you doing?" I didn't give him the satisfaction of an aswer.

"Hey you little shit of an murderer! I am your higher up, you should aswer my questions!" If that all wasn't bad already, it just got ten times worse. There he was, my co-worker gleaming at me with anger. Even if it wasn't going to be the best idea, I decided to respond to this asshole anyways.

"Yeah I am a hitman so murdering is my job. But hey I didn't kill anyone today!" He just smirked at me and responded to me. "Now what do you want? A holden star?" I've to admit he his a smoothe one. Thanks to that I would love to punch him as powerful as possible. Nevertheless, hurting someone who is carrying more wepons than I do, isn't a good idea.

I just glared at him while picking up the report I dropped. Afterwards I decided to ingnore him and I wanted to leave but...
"Hey James. How about you bringt these files to the old archive? You don't look like you have anything else to do anyway." He interrupted me. Next thing he did, was putting many files onto me.
Agh. Man. Why me?

I stumbled due to the amount of files. How many of them did we have? That's a huge pile! Well, since I could hardly just throw the stuff on the floor, I hurried towards the old archive. It's been a long way and all of this just stopped me. Argh. Aren't there enough others here who could have done this? That was certainly on purpose! He must have noticed that I was busy and just wanted to annoy me. Asshole.

Now I was standing infront of the wooden door. I opended it with an harsh kick. The door flew straight out of the angle. Huh? The wood must have rotten over the time. I walked to an table in the middle and trew the files onto it. It also broke. We definitely need to renovate this room soon. I decided not to pick the stuff up afterall I had something else to do now.

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