I always think about what would have happened if I had crossed that line with him, to feel the love of my life inside me, wedding night.

I shake my head and bury the memory behind the wall, not now, it's too dangerous and we have the book signing to go to, I hop in the shower and a little while later I'm all dressed.

I stare at my plate of breakfast hoping that my appetite could show up for a little longer today, I sigh as I grab an apple and my to-go coffee before leaving my apartment.

My phone rings and I answer it knowing that it's my manager.
"Lea, where are you, the signings starts in 15." He says worried.

"I am 5 minutes away." I say and he sighs in relief.

"See you than." He says and hangs up.

I published this book 2 months ago, not really expecting it to blow up but than one morning I woke up to thousandth of notifications regarding my book.

My manager, Kyle Allen, has been really supportive in regards to my book and the time I took and everything else, probably the only person I talk to other than myself.

I found him pacing outside the bookshop, he breathed out in relief when he saw me and hugged me.

"You have a line waiting for you already." Kyle says excitedly, I frown surprised.

"There's still 10 minutes for the signing to start and you're saying there's a line waiting already?" I ask shocked, Kyle nods enthusiastically and we go in.

I gasp at the line that starts from where my table is set to the door, my heart starts hammering in my chest, I close my eyes and imagine him standing next to me and holding my hand in his.

Breathe princess, you made it this far, I'm with you.

I take my seat on my chair and start signing, I smile at the compliments I get and answer the questions they ask, I tune myself out of reality as more people start asking about him, I remember drinking another coffee while signing the books.

When the last person on the line leaves, I sigh exhausted and lean back against the chair closing my eyes, Kyle had disappeared a couple minutes ago for some call.

"Oh my gosh, you're so pretty." I snap awake to find a small and cute girl standing in front of the table, I gave her a confused smile.

"Thank you but you look so much more beautiful and pretty." I say, excitement fills the girl's face, she looked about 7 or 8 years old.

"For fuck's sake Davina, I thought I told you to stay close to me and not go off on your own." A guy says panting as he pulls the little girl to him, I sit there shocked, Davina, the walls start closed in and I feel my eyes well up with tears.

"I'm fine D and besides, mommy said you mustn't swear or you'll have to put money in the jar and I was just complimenting someone that looks so pretty." The little girl, Davina, rambles in one breath.

The guy finally looks at me, his olive green eyes sort of seem to glow slightly in the sun, he only seems to be about 3 years older than me, his dark brown hair styled to perfection.

"What's your name?" He asks smirking.

"Lea." I say neutrally and get up from the chair, I need to go back home.

"Lea what?" He asks again, I ignore him and grab my bag from the floor. "I am going to need a surname princess."

"Stop calling me princess!" I snap at Damien.

"But you are one!" Damien says with a smirk.

"She said don't call her that!" Liam says angry and annoyed.

"But if her father is the king, doesn't that make her the princess, well queen soon, but princess for now!" Damien says with his stupid smirk.

I quickly grab my bag and jog out of the bookshop, I feel his footsteps and laughing echoing from behind me.
"Princess your name is very much needed, I promise I don't bite." I hear him right behind me, I halt before turning, he was right behind me, he smirks at me, I look behind him and see the small girl in the shop distracted.
"Princess your surname and number."

I push him back. "Stay away." I say sternly and carry on walking away, but than I am pulled back and I crash into his chest, his arm snakes around my waist, panic, fear, worry, everything threatening to overwhelm me.

"What's wrong princess, a surname is all I want." He says smirking, I push him off hard and he staggers away shocked, I let my fist connect with his jaw, flaming rage flashes in his eyes.

Before he could recover from the shock I walk away, this time he doesn't follow.

I get home, my heart was hammering in my chest, I slide down the wall and pull my knees to my chest and tuck my head in, I start sobbing and tears were just rolling down my eyes.

Come on princess, you can make it, you have made it this far already, breathe, I'm with you.

His voice is like a lullaby as I take deep breaths and calm myself down.

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