The Goodbye

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Kurtis is dreading saying goodbye to Alex Wells the entire drive to the airport. He hopes their flight is canceled and he can get more time with Alex.

The flight doesn't get canceled and Kurtis pulls up to the airport drop-off sooner than he'd like.

He parks and numbly steps out of the driver seat to help Sarah and Alex with their luggage.

Mrs. Wells says "I'll give you two a minute," and takes her luggage to check-in.

The two boys are silent. Alex steps closer to him. "This isn't goodbye."

Kurtis nods. Then his hands are tugging Alex's shirt, bringing him another step closer. "You're going to do great things, Alex Wells."

Alex pulls the smaller boy into his arms. Kurtis hugs him back with everything he has in him.

"I love you," Alex whispers into Kurtis' ear.

Kurtis holds back tears and tries not to choke on his words as he speaks, "I love you too." They hug tighter, both of them feeling emotional, but not letting it show to be strong for the other.

Emotional because they both know their 'I love you' is more than a friendship type of 'I love you'. This is real love. Raw and exposing and honest.

Kurtis swipes his eyes quickly when they pull apart and gives Alex the best smile he can muster up in his state. "I'll see you in December," he says.

Alex nods, swallowing the lump in his throat, "Can't wait."

And they just look at each other, memorizing their eyes and mouth and beauty.

"We should go," Sarah says softly, neither of them realized she had walked up. Alex's mother turns to Kurtis. "Thank you." But she's thanking him for being kind and loving her son like Alex was meant to be loved. And she gives him a brief hug. They pull away.

"Have a safe flight. Text me when you land."

Alex just nods because he can't speak anymore without breaking down. Fuck, he knew this was gonna hurt, but not this badly.

How did he fall so deeply in love with someone over the course of six months? Alex should've known from the moment he drove Kurtis home from school that fateful day, that his world would become Kurtis.

And now, he has to leave his world, and start anew. This doesn't mean he won't return, he plans on returning. But for the time being, and though it brings his heart pain, he has to move on, focus on his studies. His mind knows this, his heart just isn't there yet; it's stuck in the world that is Kurtis.

So, Alex and Sarah go to their flight and Kurtis gets in his car, starts it, and cries the entire way home.


Alex texts Kurtis when he lands and he tells him he misses him already.


And a week later, Alex starts college and Kurtis starts his junior year. They talk on the phone every other day and video chat once a week, usually at night when they're both tired. (Sometimes falling asleep on the phone).

Closer to finals week, they talk less. But, they're busy and they know this.

By December, Alex tells Kurtis, "I'm sorry, I don't think I can go to London." Kurtis' chest grows tighter. "I really want to," Alex tells him, "but I'm just so busy with school work. My professors thinks none of us have a life, apparently, and assigned homework over break." This is a lie. Alex doesn't have assignments over winter break. He can't go to London because he can't handle saying goodbye to Kurtis again.

"I get it. It's okay, really." Kurtis says. This is also a lie because Kurtis was looking forward to London with him. "Are you... coming home for spring break?"


"Okay, well..." Kurtis isn't too sure what to say. He just wants to cry. "Merry Christmas, Alex." Even though there's a week until December 25th.

"Merry Christmas, Kurtis."

And Kurtis goes to London with his parents.

They speak twice a month after that. Alex doesn't visit for spring break.


I know chapter after chapter is heartbreaking (I'm literally crying) but this is a reality that can happen after high school. Their love for each other is beautiful, but tragic... at least during this time in their life. And that's okay.

There will be one more chapter.

Thank you for reading <3

-Xoxo, Bert

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