Yeah I have claustrophobia- wait WHY ARE YOU STUFFING ME IN A FUCKING FRIGDE?!?!

Start from the beginning

I tried to get out. It didn't work. Panicking I I wanted to get out but I was stuck. Stuck inside a goddam fridge looking, cold ass cabin, feeling like a frozen turkey ready for an transport. Punching and kicking against the wall didn't work either. The glass just didn't want to break into pieces. I didn't even leave some cracks. " Hello? Is there anybody? Help!" My voice sounded stressed, and I was. I mean, I was in a box like canned sardines. After some time i still had gotten no answer so I screamed again. Nothing happened, exept for me getting a horse voice.

My breathing speed increased dangerously. I felt like I was suffocating and drowning at the same time. How I felt? Like I am about to die! My body got limb while I stumbled and fell to my knees. The air was pressed out my lumgs while I was trying to get my body under my control. Everything was hurting, same goes to my head and something was ringing in my ears. With a shaking body I got back up but I could not holp me for long and fell back down.

My eyes were closing slowly, I wished I could just sleep. I felt so tired. If I slept I could wake up. Then all of this would just be a dream! Even if my body was numb, felt how the air around me got colder and colder every passing minute. The glasswalls painted themselve white with smoke. I could puke right here, right now but I was not able to move anymore. Looks like I am suffocting in a human fitting fridge.

Eyes closing I had the urge to just give up, Sleep came faster than exspected still i did not want my body to give up. Why am I not dead yet? I am alive, right? I should be dead. No I need to be dead. Afterall I can not move. Why can I still hear voices? Maybe I am halucinating. Do people do that before death? I must be dead. All I could see was pitch black. All I could feel was the icy floor I was lying on. "Is he making it?" "Surprisingly yes. He is stable. Same goes for 008793."

008793? What are they talking about? Who even are they? I wanted to open my eyes so badly. What is happening? I just could not do so. "How about his conciousness? Does he feel anything that is happening?" I wanted to scream I do. If I could I would shetter the glass and burn this hellhole to the ground. " I doubt it. But we cant say if he hears us. Every other experiment except for 008793 and him died shortly after the start. Maybe he is subconciously awake. Maybe he is not. "

The council must be an awful goverment if they make human experiments where people die often. What did I exspect of a goverment that takes lifes as payment. Somehow I knew this voice. How? For all I could say, one of them was a woman the other was a man. Maybe its James or Mr. Meatball? But I doubt its them. They just do not look like scientists. Mr. Meatball is most likely someone to drive peole around the USA. And James?... Most likely a hitman...Hm...yeah that fits him.

" That is messed up,sir." the woman stated. I tried to move but my I felt so dead like a corpse that dropped on someones stairs in a cold winter night. If somebody dropped randomly on my stairs I would definetely go slowly backwards pack my stuff an leave. It would creep me out.

Suddenly I heard the sound of metal hitting the floor and an angry male voice. The man was shouting and lecturing the woman loudly about how not to criticise the councils decisions or acts. This action startled me too, How agressive...kinda like father. Arent they allowed to criticise their higher ups? That is messed up.

I did not hear the woman anymore. Kinda worrying. What did happen to her? I hope she is still alright. My eyes felt like they were back to functioning correctly. I was able to see again! Sadly my sight was not very clear but it was enough to see a bloody puddle on the floor behind the glasswalls. That could not be a good thing.

Surely it was the womans blood. In a corner, on the floor was her body. Blood leaking from her wound on her stomach. a man was bending over her holding a knife. I couldnt remember seeing him before. He was wearing a black expensive suit and looked more like a buisness man than a killer. Now I wanted to get out of the container more than already. It was creepy to be in a room with him.

Now that I could see better, I took the opportunity to look around. I was in a dark room whose walls were made of bricks. There was mold everywhere, released from the moisture in the water that trickled down the wall. Disgusting.

There were cracks that, if they were a little bigger, could easily go through as an abyss. In addition, cables loosened everywhere, which was quite dangerous thanks to the moisture. The worst part was that they went straight into my 'fridge'. Hopefully I wouldn't get electrocuted. If a teaser was already so uncomfortable, I really didn't want to get any high tension.

The man's gaze met mine and his eyes widened in shock. Did he notice that I was awake? What would he do now? The man stared back at the woman again. What? Is he ignoring me? Huh? What is he doing? I was amazed at the gesture he made. He prayed for the woman that she might go to heaven.

Still wierd...What's with him? First he kills someone and then he prays for them. Isn't that somehow a contradiction in terms? Not that i don't appreciate him praying...but its wierd...He can't be serious. He looked back at me and kicked the body in disgust. What is his problem? Shortly after the man called for someone. And it shocked me when Mr.Meatball walked into the room, bowed and carried the body away. "What a job." said the man as he pulled a box out of his jacket pocket, took out a cigarette and lit it with a lighter. The pungent smell even penetrated me, and made tears well up in my eyes. The man pulled a lever and a gas spread in my glass container.

My eyelids grew heavy and everything went black.

1927 words

Thanks to everybody who read this chapter! Yeah today I wrote two 😅
I hope you like it ♡

Sorry for possible misspellings!

You can ask me anything about the story if you have questions or don't understand a part!

♤ Have a nice day/night! ♤
- Autor-chan

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