Thank God Clint helped her a lot as he had some experience on handling a baby and toddler.

Your other uncles and aunties helped too, but more on teaching you weird things. This gave Natasha a headache everytime you were being babysitted by your uncles and aunties.

But as long as you were happy and smiling, her tiredness faded away in a split second.

Natasha's mind was awaken when Nick Fury pushed the door before he came into the meeting room to dicuss about a new mission. For this mission, only Tony and Bruce stayed behind.

"Shit." Natasha whispered under her breath.

This meant she had to leave you with those two lab rats.

Not that she hated them but she didn't fully believe in Tony or Bruce to babysit you. They just spent their days in the lab, focusing only on what they were doing.

The mission will only take a day but it felt long for Natasha now. And the worst was that you will be left with those two.

"For God's sake Tony, you must watch her all the time. Don't take your eyes off from her. Please." Natasha warned him before switching her voice to a soft one.

She was always worried when she had to leave you.

Every time.

But she didn't have a choice. It was her job.

Most of the time, she always left you with Wanda or Steve and sometimes Maria whe she didn't have any work. She trusted them more than anyone in the compound to look after you.

"Be a good girl, detka (baby). Listen to your uncle Tony, okay. Mama will be back soon. I love you, malishka (baby girl)."

She hugged and kissed you all over your face until you pushed her face away when you started to get annoyed.

"Geez Romanoff. Don't worry. I got it. Just get your butt on the jet already."

Tony sent Natasha away. He lifted you up and supported you on his hip.

"Bye bye mama!" You squealed and jumped on your uncle's hip excitedly.

Natasha waved at you and blowed a kiss to you and you waved at her back, making her smiled widely.

"Uncle Tony will take care of you, right y/n? Right, princess?"

You laughed when Tony tickled you and brought you inside the compound.

"Okay, what do you want to do today?" He asked.

"Stowies!!" You jumped excitedly on his hip.

"Yes we can do that." Tony giggled and made his way to the lab.

He already set up your playroom at one corner and surprisingly, there was also a toddler bed there.

He really didn't want to leave his lab, didn't he?

Bruce was also there, peeking his eye on the microscope. He stopped and cooed at you for a moment before continuing his work.

Tony put you in your playroom, reading a few stories as per your request. He happily helped you to build a tower with the nesting blocks and played make believe until he saw you rubbing your eyes.

"Sleepy already, princess?"

You nodded at the question as you yawned with your eyes were already half closed.

[REWRITING] Miracle - Natasha Romanoff x Daughter ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now