I see him speed up so I do as well

"I race you to my place." I say

"You'll lose. How much money are we betting?" He asks

"Let's do a small amount. I say about 250 million" he replies

"Done" I agree

and as soon as I say that last part, he speeds up even more and puts his hand out the window, flipping me off once again

"You're driving like a bitch. Speed up" Celine says

"Jesus Christ babe, let me drive" Celine says, climbing on top of me, when my driving is not good enough for her standards

Not like I'm an underground racing champion or anything

"She's right, you drive like a bitch." Aarav replies and laughs

I should hang up the phone

"Wait, is Celine driving now?" Aarav

"Yes she is" Celine replies

"Makes no difference. Lucien, get your agent on the phone to transfer my money." He replies

Alessandro laughs and I turn around to glare at him

"Who's side are you on?" I ask

"I'm on the winner's team.....whoever it may be" he replies


Celine shifts gears and within seconds, we're in line with Aarav

She unconsciously grinds into me and I grip her waists

"I could used to being driven like this." I say

"Hey hey, behave yourself. There's people in the car." Adeline replies

"Yes Chips, Have some shame" Aarav says, occasionally glimpsing at our car

"Shut up bro." I reply

Celine shakes her head and both cars make a right turn. My house is straight ahead. Both the gates are open

"You got this babe." I say, encouraging her

"No she doesn't" Aarav replies and cuts the call

This motherfucker then straight up leaves us in his dust and zooms to my house, he even made a show of drifting around my fountain, waiting for us

When we drive through the gate, he stops drifting and and parks his car

Celine also parks and we exit 

"Fuck you" Celine and I say in sync when we Aarav leave his vehicle

"I'm open to the idea." He replies and tries not to laughs but as always

He ends up failing

I take my phone out and call my bank manager.

Aarav's POV

"Yes hello. I'd like to transfer 250 million into Mr. Patel's account." Chips says

That's me

"Yes skip all the paperwork; just transfer the money......Thank you very much. Have a good day." He replies and hangs up and shakes his head at me

"OHHH, speaking of money, I have this for you." I reply and open my trunk

I take out 4 duffle bags filled with cash and hand one to each of them

"That's from when I lost snakes and ladders." I tell them and then we all go inside

As soon as I walk inside, Adeline immediately slaps me on my head with all her strength

"Ouch girl, widdi fuc_" I begin

"Shut up, why did you have to escape? Was my hospital not up to par? What if you'd ripped your stitches climbing down. You almost died and then you do this shit." Adeline begins yelling at me

"Hey hey, its alright. Calm down." I say, hugging her

"I'm fine. Nothing happened to me." I attempt to soothe her

"Bullshit that nothing happened. The bullet missed your heart by a few centimeters." she replies

"Exactly, it didn't hit my heart. Now, if  I make fudge for you, will you forgive me?" I reply and wiggle my eyebrows

Celine's POV

He actually did it

He made fudge for everybody

He made two trays for Adeline and one for the rest of us and he even prohibited us from touching Adeline's fudge

Alessandro tried to play the fiancé card but ended up getting his hand hit with a spoon.....multiple times 

A few minutes later, both Lucien and Aarav's parents came inside and greeted us all, then Aarav's mom asked him

"Son, What time today did you escape the hospital?" she asked and we all turned to look at him

"About half two maa, why?" he asked

Uncle Zayne and aunt Aria erupts in laughter while Lucien's parents shake their heads 

"HAHAHAH, I told yall, he would escape within two days." Uncle Zayne says and aunt Aria nods her head in agreement

"Aarav, why'd you have to escape son? You could've helped us win if you stayed in the hospital just for another day?" mama says

"Hold up" Aarav says and puts his hand up

"Yall made a bet on what day I'd escape the hospital....... I don't know if to feel proud or offended so I'll choose to feel proud." Aarav replies and nods

My phone rings and I see my mom callling

"Salut maman" I greet [Hi mom]

"Salut chérie" she replies and I hear my dad also say hello [Hi sweetheart]

"Guess where I am" she says and I can hear the excitement in her voice as well as my dad snickering in the background

"Where?" I ask

"Italy" I hear my dad say from the other side while I hear my mom hit him for shouting in her ear

I hear him mumble an apology and give her a kiss

"Are you serious?" I ask, quite excited

"Of course I am. We'll be there soon." she replies

"How do you know the directions?" I ask

"We contacted your parents in laws." she replies

and I blush

"Why you blushing Cheesecake?" Lucien asks and pulls me into a side hug

"Nothing Orchid." I reply

"let me hang up now. We'll be there soon anyways. We look forward to meeting everyone." she replies and cuts the call

I want food 


This motherfucking book is coming to an end....I think

Idek anymore

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