Chapter 28

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Lucien's POV

"What the fuck Aarav!" I exclaim.

I came downstairs after my phonecall with Celine to hang with him....only for him to ambush and rugby tackle me onto the floor.

"HAHAHAHAHA. This is for hitting me behind my head." He replies

"I'll get you back." I promise

"I look forward to it." he says

Fuck. We're still on the floor

"A very compromising position we're in. Am I right?" I ask,

"I always thought that my first time over a man would be more erotic" He says, with a forced over the top husky voice

"Well I'm taken and I don't cheat so....." I reply and stifle a laugh

"Good that you don't cheat. I'd beat you with a crowbar if you cheat on your girl." He replies and then does a back roll and flip up.

I get up like a normal person

"Never speak about our almost sexy time. Now let's watch a comedy but every time one of us laughs, we have to give the other person 100 dollars." He says

"Sure" I reply

"Get ready to be broke Lucien" he replies


"Ha- Hahahaha. F-fuck sake. Add 100" Aarav says in between laughs.

The movie has been going on for 30 minutes....

Aarav owes me $45,000.00.

I owe him $500.00

"Hahahaha" I hear him again


"FUCK. I haven't done anything fun in a while.... I'll rob a bank later. Want to come?" He asks

"Are you serious?" I ask

"Yup, I haven't robbed a bank for fun in a long time. So you in?"

"Nah I'm good" I reply.

Why would I want to rob a bank


"EVERYBODY GET ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!" Aarav shouts as he jumps over the counter. Climbing the glass and all. Then he shoots all the security there while I take out ones in front the counter.

He goes with a worker to fill up the duffle bags while I keep a watch on the people there.


Don't worry about us. We have on masks and gloves etc.

We're both wearing clown masks .

I know what you're thinking- What happened to the Why would I want to rob a bank? ...Well, its fun so....

I check the timer. Aarav will be back soon and then we'll leave.

I see an older gentleman take out a phone and I shoot his hand immediately

"Can't you fucking listen Gramps?" I reprimand him

"The police will get you fuckers" he says and coughs

The police work for me tho. I control them

I'll let him live in his fantasy

"Whatever you say gramps"

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