Chapter 34

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Celine's POV

"I'm going to meet your mom now Orchid." I say and pull his face into mine for a kiss which he reciprocates

"Meeting your future mother in law" he says pulling away

"Play your cards right babe." I say and give him another peck before I'm out the door

Time to meet my future mother in law

I take Lucien's Mclaren 720s and I'm at his parents house in no time.

The guards let me in and I wait in the living room. The same room we were in yesterday.

A giantass room

The living room is bigger than the entire suite Lucien stayed in when he was in France.

And that suite was massive

"Celine. I'm glad you made it." Mrs. Romano says hugging me

"Well when the mother of the Italian mafia tells you to come over for lunch, you best listen." I say, after we break apart

"Oh, hush dear." She replies with a laugh

"Come, let's eat." she says and guides me to the dining room and....


It's filled with all kind of stuff: fruits, pastries, different breads, and spreads

"Have a seat and munch on whatever you want.....our main course will be here shortly." She adds


I was now sitting in the living room. Mrs. Romano went to get the picture album to show me

Finally. Time to get stuff to tease Lucien about


"Here we are dear' she says, dropping a thick photo book onto the table.

She opens the book and the first thing I see are two pictures. One of baby Lucien and baby Adeline

"We put the book of them in the beginning but everything else is in the correct order." She says
She flips the other page and I see a picture of her smiling at a baby Lucien after giving birth

"Where was Mr. Romano?" I ask

"Oh, he was passed out on the floor." She replies and laughs

"Look you can see piece of his shoes here." She point to the corner of the page

And sure enough I can see shoes....vertically

She then shows me a picture of her and Mr Romano holding baby Lucien

So damn cute

"Oh look. Aarav really clinged to him." She says and shows me a pic

And sure enough there was a 5 year old Aarav holding Lucien with the biggest smile on his face

"Here we have Lucien crying because we won't let him eat a plastic cup." She says and sure enough there he is crying in a onesie

She shows me some more and then she shows me one where baby Lucien is hugging baby Adeline

And then one where Aarav is holding baby Adeline with Lucien next to him. Both of them with huge smiles

Then it skips, I see some with Lucien and Adeline, some with Aarav and them. Some with Aarav's parents and them. Basically the entire family

They really all grew up together. Family but not by blood

"Haha, this is when they decided to cook." She says and shows me a pic of a teen Lucien covered in flour while Adeline laughs

The next pic is one of Adeline glaring at Lucien with egg in her hair while a still flour covered Lucien is laughing in the back.

She then shows me a pic where Lucien, Aarav and Adeline are all dressed in the same clothes but different colors

They're wearing suits but with a furry robe and a top hat with canes

Aarav is in black, Lucien is in white and Adeline is in red

"They wanted to be gangsters for Halloween that year." She tells me

They were already gangsters legit

"Well I mean they already were gangsters but they wanted to dress as those kinds of pimps." She adds

"They look cute" I say

They really tho

Three of the world's biggest gangsters........dressed up as gangsters

We talk and chat some more until I decide to leave

"Thank you so much for the lunch and the company Mrs. Romano. I really enjoyed it." I say

"You're welcome here anytime. I really enjoyed your company as well." She tells me

I bid her goodbye and leave

I miss my man

I drive back home...

I mean to Lucien's house and I enter and see Lucien cooking. I go up to him and hug him from behind

"You're finally back. I was 10 minutes away from coming to get you myself" he says

"So how was it?" He asks

"It was good, you wannabe cup-eater." I say

He turns around

"Listen I was a baby.....a baby thinks everything is food." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist

I hum and kiss him before burying my face in his neck

"I'm gonna shower. I'll be right back" I say pulling away

He opens his mouth but I already know what he's gonna say

"No you may not join me. Cook my dinner babe." I say

"Damn it." He says

I chuckle and go to take a shower

I use Lucien's body wash and when I'm done. I take one of his t shirts and boxers to wear

I spot a bag similar to the one my scrunchies were in and GUESS WHAT


How did this get here?

Imma ask Lucien. He probably saw it and brought it here after I forgot to pack it

I make my way downstairs and see that Lucien has already set up the table

"The food looks delicious." I say as I sit. He made chicken alfredo. Yummy

"As do you" he replies

"Why are you always horny?"

"Cause I love you and sometimes I want to express it in the form of lust." He replies

"I love you too and well I'm all yours later to express it to." I say and wink

"Look it's later." He says

"Eat first babe. We need energy."

"Good thinking. Let's eat....and then I'll eat." He says, biting his lip and trailing his eyes over my body

Pussy talented, it do cartwheels...

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