Chapter Thirty Three

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To my dear Eren,

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To my dear Eren,

I've missed you so much, sweetheart. I cannot even begin to describe how many times I've had to hold myself back from going to you. It's been 132 days since we've last met and every day feels like a new form of hell.

But I know that we're getting closer to our next meeting. You promised to show me the orphanage you've been building. Have I told you how fucking proud I am of you? You're quite literally the best king to have ever exist.

Please do not tell my father I said that.

But yes, back to the orphanage. In your last letter you mentioned that quite a few people volunteered to help you build it. How's that going? Is everyone treating you with the respect you deserve? If someone even dares to harm you, please punch them on the face from me. Or get that Arlen to do it.

Also tell Arlen to not stare at me smugly every time I come visit you as if he has power over me. Which he does not. He really needs to calm the fuck down before I beat him up.

How's Marcella? Is she doing well? I was really happy when you told me that you're starting to form a peaceful relationship with her. And I'm still surprised at the fact that she started taking lead at the woman's training center you founded. Once again, I'm so very proud of you.

To update you on my side, things have been very hectic. I'm working hard with Rin for her training and my dad is still badgering me with paperwork. I think he is still a bit bothered by the news but I can feel him slowly but surely accepting it.

God, I still remember his face when I first told him of our future plans. He looked horrified. It took so much convincing and arguing for him to finally come to terms with it.

Thank god Rin was overjoyed. I knew she never said it but she had always dreamed of being queen. She's doing so well in her work and I can't believe I'm saying this but she might lead Rivania better than I ever could. But I'm not complaining since I'll get to spend my life with the love of my life and help him lead.

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